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Green Shallows... 80g/300L rimless frag/shallow


27 Nov 2017
Denver, CO US
This aquarium build was began in mid 2017. It may seem like I'm playing catchup in these first few posts 🙂

(My initial posts keep getting flagged as spam, trying to post so many links to catch the journal up to current. I will have to do multiple small posts to get back up to current date 🙂 )



Tank : Deep Blue 80 gal. Rimless Frag aquarium (48" x 24" x 16")

Stand : See my build below 🙂


Lighting :
Vitaplant Hydroponic 4-bulb 4' T5
(2) 6500k and (1) Trulumen Flora

Eheim Pro4+ 350 Canister Filter
Uniclife W25 wavemaker

CO2 :
GLA Regulator
Rex Griggs Style Reactor 2" diameter, 30" length PVC


Plant list (last updated 4-19-2018)

Anubias Nana 'Petite'
Blyxa Japonica
Bucephalandra 'Brownie Blue'
Bucephalandra 'Brownie Grande Red'
Cryptocoryne beckettii
Cryptocoryne hudoroi
Cryptocoryne lutens
Cryptocoryne mioya
Cryptocoryne sri lanka
Cryptocoryne undulata
Cryptocoryne wendtii ‘bronze'
Cryptocoryne wendtii ‘green'
Cryptocoryne wendtii ‘brown’
Hygrophila pinnatifida
Microsorum pteropus 'Narrow'
Lilaeopsis Brasiliensis
Lobelia Cardinals 'Small Form’


Here are some progress pics of the stand

Basic framing began - all squared up



Extra supports and flooring build from 1x3s (nice rounded edges)



Red Mahogany Minwax stain...hand and cloth application



Stand is constructed of 2x4 douglas fir lumber... sanded down to 220 all over. I stained with Red Mahogany from Minwax, and sealed with 3 coats of water based satin polyurethane.
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I did some reinforcement to my floor joists. My house was constructed in 2000, so not old at all... However, I like to sleep better at night and not worry about cracking a floor joist and flooding my floors. So its overkill but I added a couple of jacks underneath the tank in my crawl space. I previously had a 50 gallon with 20 gallon sump here, so the weight difference from then to now, will be negligible.

I used Akron brand floor jacks from Lowes... Both can support a total of around 28,000 lbs lol

They each cost around $45


4x4 header spanning across the two supporting joists- right in the middle of the aquarium. The aquarium runs parallel with my floor joists.

I would have done supports on both sides of the aquarium, but due to heat ducts and gas line placement... I couldn't line up those areas properly so I went right in the middle. The floor has notably less "bounce" in this area now, feels almost like a concrete foundation underneath. I attached the jack plate to the 4x4 header with 3/8" x 2" lag bolts.


They are sitting on solid concrete footer blocks, on top of a 3/4" section of plywood just to help disperse the pressure across my vapor barrier (You can see in the picture what I mean by the less than ideal heating duct placement)



Stand finished after 3 coats of polyurethane, and put into place. Underlayment mat is from Lowes in the carpet section.


Post filling...




Canopy Build


Assembly - pocket screws and wood glue




My solution for fitting all the various LED strips.... 2 Beamswork and 1 left over Ecoexotic LED (so I can still get my light fade on/off with sunset features)





Lugged in about 125 lbs of Black Diamond Blasting Grit.

Fixture is hung.... both Beamswork in place. I used 1/8" stainless steel braided wire with crimped ferrules and stops.


I need to do some counter balancing work on the canopy, due to the 1x8 front panel and 1x4 rear panel. 1x4 rear panel used to allow more light penetration to the rear of the aquarium, as I ultimately plan to do an emersed set up across the back. I have it suspended about 24" above the substrate at this time.


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The intial 12 pots of crypt species and anubias, in addition to random other bits, spread out pretty well over the footprint, so I was way more pleased with it than I thought I would be. It's planted densely and once some roots develop, and new leaves start to sprout, it's going to get junglish real quick


The initial planting list was as follows:

-Anubias (not sure of species yet, need to look up some pics)

-Bolbitis (species unknown)

-- Lutea
-- Spiralis
-- Tropica
-- Undulata
-- Wendtii Green
-- Wendtii Red
-- a couple of unknown assorted ones

-Java Fern Narrow Leaf

- Vallisneria Contortion

I also added the black background (black chalkboard cut to fit, from HomeDepot)

Looks solid:thumbup:
Make a same colored hide for the CO2?

Thank you!

Yes, that is actually an idea I've played with- especially considering I come home with a new cylinder every refill. I have also tried to consider working in some cable/wire storage with it too. Maybe a new project soon! 🙂
Wow, you are really good. You must be a professional carpenter/builder, right?
It's possible to get away with an HOB on an 80 USG tank, but it isn't recommended generally.

Is that a Gibson, or maybe a Martin dreadnaught in post #3?


Wow, you are really good. You must be a professional carpenter/builder, right?
It's possible to get away with an HOB on an 80 USG tank, but it isn't recommended generally.

Is that a Gibson, or maybe a Martin dreadnaught in post #3?



Thanks ceg4048!

I actually just build furniture as a hobby. Woodworking has been a hobby of mine for years, and I still have so much to learn.

Yes I have proceeded wearily with the HOB on an 80 gal aquarium. I was very cautious with light levels the first few weeks, and kept the tank very clean. Overloaded with plants in the beginning. Using a couple of powerheads for water movement. I'm at about Week 6 now since planting, and things have done pretty well. I will continue to make these backdated posts for a bit until I'm caught up to current 🙂

Oh wow, I wish lol I sold my Taylors and Martins years ago when I kind of got out of playing as a primary hobby. That is an older spanish classical guitar I was gifted by a friend.

Thanks for checking out the post!
Back update from October 30th. I"ll be caught up to current in the next few posts 🙂

FTS from Monday, October 30th 2017

Weekly 60% WCs have rode through the first couple of weeks without any algae issues.

I added some cuttings from another aquarium - just stuck them in some random areas to see what can adjust and grow in the current lighting conditions. Hopefully a few will transition and accept my PAR values...

Rotala green
Rotala rotundafolia
Cabomba purple
Lobelia cardinalis 'small form'
Ludwigia repens

-All the crypts, ferns, and anubias species are doing great. New leaves sprouting from the dirt, all healthy looking new growth. JF narrow leaf rhizome is putting out hella leaves. Took enough JF plantlets from leafs to start 3 new tiny rocks, scattered them around in the back. The Bolbitis is just kind of acting as a debris sponge - having to dust it daily. Never had that plant before so I am not seeing any fresh new growth, I'll see what happens. Contortion Val spreading around in the back a bit now too.

-Minimal algae at this moment, although I know how quick things can swing on a new tank. Keeping any eye on some typical diatom algae on the substrate and glass.

-I am also getting some tannin staining from the spiderwood addition.

Added a little Odyssea $13 skimmer which worked great. I typed up a little review I will add in later on into the journal 🙂

(Rock was just there temporarily to weigh down the driftwood)


Excellent build! Scape looks great. 2ft of depth is simply awesome.

Could you run the power cables up the hanger wire into the roof?

Or, easier option, get some nice braid and collect all the wire into one cable.
Excellent build! Scape looks great. 2ft of depth is simply awesome.

Could you run the power cables up the hanger wire into the roof?

Or, easier option, get some nice braid and collect all the wire into one cable.

Thanks so much!

Yes lol the multiple LED wires were an eye sore. They have since been sorted as you'll see in some upcoming posts 🙂
Day 31

Lights and CO2 continue on same routine. All LEDs on for 8 hours. One hour ramp up and ramp down with the Ecoexotic for sunrise/sunset lighting.

CO2 on 2 hours before LEDs.... Lights and CO2 turn off at same hour.

Ferts remain NilocG's Thrive Plus. 8 pumps at WC. Also adding 4 pumps mid week at this time since plant mass has began to increase. Will eventually go to 8 pumps on WC day and mid week, I believe.

60-70% WC every week.


I also added a bit of stock to the tank from another existing aquarium of mine, and some new purchases

+ 20 Black Neons Tetras
+ 10 Pygmy Corys

From another tank of mine- came a larger peppered Cory, a single Tricolor Sword Platy, and some Amano shrimp. They've been around forever and just take them from tank to tank lol




JF Narrow Leaf and Crypt. Spiralis


Red Wendtii




Contortion Val, Lobelia Cardinal SmallForm, Crypt. Undulata, Bolbitis, Cabomba Purple, and Crypt. Tropica (in no order at all lol) There is some older BBA in the Lobelia from previous tank... letting it grow a bit then will top and throw away the older raggedy portion lol


This tanks gonna be amazing when it grows in, are you going for a jungle look?

Thank you!

Yes I am. Going for that overgrown look with mainly nonstem type plants. Crypts ferns buces.... and a few random stems here and there just to see what works in my aquariums parameters.

More updates coming 🙂

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
(Back Update from 11/21/2017..)


Day 39


No major changes going on..

I trimmed the Java Fern Narrow Leaf pretty considerably the other day; trimming off most of its longest leaves. They had become somewhat tattered and put off many plantlets.

Crypt Spiralis is going all medusa in the back. Leaves swirling all over .

I have noticed most crypt species putting out, what I believe, are this parameter's leaves. Much of the old growth has died and been cut away, and the newer leaves are an entirely different look than what they came with from their old parameters.

Crypt Lutea is getting some significant brown striping to the leaves, and over all darker.

Red wendtii has really turned a deep rich purple at this time - was just green when I got it.

Contortion Val is really putting out alot of runners and I see new leaves reaching for the surface daily.

The Undulata and some unidentified crypt species are looking excellent as well. Healthy new algae free leaves.

One of the crypts, which was sold to me as Tropica, does not seem like Tropica at all now. The leaves are developing a dark purple hue with a very hammered look.


Some plants coming and going -

I removed the Anubias species from in front of the drift wood, wasn't feeling it anymore.

I have a little plant order in including some stems, buce, moss, a good few clumps of DHG, and another crypt. I'll be adding some pictures once those are planted and looking perky.




Back Update from Late November 🙂


Day 45...

Some plant changes 🙂

Added some more Crypt Species ...

+ Cryptocoryne Hudoroi
+ Cryptocoryne Mioya
+ Cryptocoryne Sri Lanka
+ Cryptocoryne Striolata
+ Cryptocoryne Wendtii Bronze

I also added a Buce Brownie Grande Red, and a Buce Brownie Blue. I really have no clue what I'm doing with these so I just attached them to a lower section of the driftwood.

Wrapped some Cameron Moss around some upper driftwood limbs.

Some random stems of Limno Aromatica, Rotala Bangladesh, Hygro Pinnafida... I will see how these do in the aquarium. The Bangladesh has already perked up very well - nice new green tops. Waiting to see the Lim Aromatica and Pinnafida move or not.

I removed the Anubias as previously mentioned, and also the Bolbitis.

Oh, and I planted DHG all across the front. This could just be a place filler carpet. Once the aquarium has evolved a bit and grown in more, especially with new additions, I may decide to go with glosso, UG, or even microsword instead.


Planning to add some new stock soon.

I do want to add in some more Black Neon Tetras to bulk up the school a bit. Total of 40 maybe.

However, I also want to have a large Red Cherry Shrimp population in the aquarium. I am planning to place an order soon to get in some high quality RCS..


Here are some recent pics... The quality on these is bit lacking, I feel, compared to previous weeks.

Christmas Tree up now so I'm dealing with even more glare 🙂 🙂 🙂 lol

Once these new plant species have rooted and perked up, I am going to take some good update FTS, etc. Thanks for looking!


Update... (from 12-5-2017)

Just some pictures I never posted from back around Day 48 or so 🙂

I'll be doing Day 60 update in a few days and will cover any recent changes, and do some plant updates.... also new coming stock changes...

Thanks for looking !






