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Green dust Algae break out Up date & conclusion

Re: Green dust Algae break out

Simon & Clive

Quick up date - re-fitted spray bar on Wednesday night, altered timer for Co2 as per Simons advise - as of tonight (2 days later) no algea on glass. I am considering doing a big water change tomorrow ie 75% rather than my 50% - any thoughts regarding tomorrow water change activity.


Re: Green dust Algae break out

Flyfisherman said:
Quick up date - re-fitted spray bar on Wednesday night, altered timer for Co2 as per Simons advise - as of tonight (2 days later) no algea on glass. I am considering doing a big water change tomorrow ie 75% rather than my 50% - any thoughts regarding tomorrow water change activity.
Yeah, the bigger and more frequent the better in my book. Keeping the CO2 high is your best friend.
aaronnorth said:
IME GDA follows on from diatoms.
Well, again, this is a mis-correlation, and in fact if the second follows the first it simply means that you have either not fixed the fundamental problem that caused the first, or that a second basic error has been committed. I've not seen GDA in my tanks for over 10 years but I have incurred diatom algae in the meantime, which demonstrates that this is not an automatic follow-on. Poor technique can result in a variety of algal types, which shouldn't be a surprise, really, but it doesn't mean that there is an intrinsic relationship between the occurrence of one and the appearance of the other.
aaronnorth said:
lol, do you still have it now you have moved?
Yeah, but still in storage mate. Need transformers and such to run the electrics. I'm too cheap to buy 110V gear all over again... :cry:

Re: Green dust Algae break out

Well, again, this is a mis-correlation, and in fact if the second follows the first it simply means that you have either not fixed the fundamental problem that caused the first, or that a second basic error has been committed. I've not seen GDA in my tanks for over 10 years but I have incurred diatom algae in the meantime, which demonstrates that this is not an automatic follow-on. Poor technique can result in a variety of algal types, which shouldn't be a surprise, really, but it doesn't mean that there is an intrinsic relationship between the occurrence of one and the appearance of the other.

In my last 2, possibly 3 tanks, i have always had diatoms > GDA. Dont know why 🙄 and i know that it isnt an automatic occurance, however, it is probably just the ecess ammonia still being there which hasnt been cleared up.
However, i know know better 😉 😉
Re: Green dust Algae break out


Simon D
Concerns were raised a few months ago regarding water flow - the amount of water being tuned over within the tank as I was getting a bit of BBA (green type) - Clive responded to my thread as he normally does and the issues was centred around water flow as I was using a TT.1200 which produce a flow rate of 1200 lph - what I needed was 2170 lph as my tank is 217ltr. There are two filters which would produce this turn over of water TT.2400 or an FX5, after reading a thread regarding the TT2400 put me off because of the noise and the FX5 would not fit into the cupboard. The other option available was to add a additional water circulation pump to coincide with my TT1200. Did not fancy this as I wanted all my water filtered, only option available was Ehiem 2078 @ 1800 lph + additional features. Clive mentioned about a 2080 even though the flow rate was slightly less 100 lph but was less complicated and he was using these – so I bought one. Its be running now for about 6 weeks with a mixture of media all my TT1200 media – noodles, bio balls and sponges + the new media from my 2080 of which I will be removing over a period of time all in all it’s a cocktail of media.

Two / three week ago posted a thread regarding spray bars: whilst I was using the TT1200 I removed the spray bar so it performed more like having lily pipes. Now the Ehiem is fitted now have an additional inlet, so my idea was to have the spray bar plum in the middle of the tank, two problems –
1. the force of the water being emitted from the bar made my rummies swim at approx. 75 degrees when going from left to right and vice versa.
2. Would have to cut my wet and dry filter box (not in use).

So I invested in an additional bar and coupled it to the original (double the length now) now the water coming from the bar seemed to be slower (not as much force) thread posted - Clive to the rescue again – tweak the pipes until you reach desired flow rate. The bar ended up been 1.5 x is original length still not satisfied I removed the bars and placed the return pipe plum in the middle of the tank so the returned water was now being forced against the front glass of the tank – too much disturbance now – water surface very choppy – so I moved the pipe to the rear left hand side of the tank so the water then flowed for left to right, twisted the connection pipe so the water hit the glass approx. 8” from the left hand side and half way down the glass front. I wanted to add a lily pipe just the inlet side as I thought that by having a wider opening would be better than a 16mm opening (using the original eheim rigid green pipe) There was more GDA to the left hand side of the glass when compared with the right hand side. Scraped the GDA of last night and put the spray bar back in – no GDA arrived yet as per the wife’s visual inspection.

As for E.I dosing: approx 4 months – NPK solution as per Clive’s article, trace mix was the same until last weekend when I added 1 more tps to the mix – originally it was 1.5 tps to 200 mls of water now it 2 tps to 200mls of water – slight increase from 1.5 tps to 200mls of water of which I was considering doing, should not cause a problem. I also add 25mls of easycarbo when I am @ home.

I think it is down to direction of water flow – since fitted the spray bar back (last night) any tiny leaves from my HC that were floating on the surface water were being drawn downwards towards the water intake pipe – better direction of water flow.


How's it going now Paul?

Just going back on a few posts and would be interested to hear (or preferably see some pics)!