Day 15
Trimming day! 
I made very small trims before but this day i used the scissor a lot more.
Before the cutting and water change it was like this:
Some thoughts / ideas / methods...
With only two weeks my main concern has been filling the gaps and at the same time having gaps between the different plants

Obviously that the Myriophyllum mattogrossense was in an urgent need for trimming... and i've trimmed it before (just a small number of stems overgrowing Ludwigia Palustris). I made a huge trim on all stems. It was hiding some light from they neighbours! Will see how it'll be trimmed in the future but lots of work ahed!
I've been making very small trims in some plants: Alternanthera reineckii 'Mini', Pogostemon Helferi and Staurogyne Repens.
I've been cutting some small stems at the front and planted at the back so that it can fill the place quicker (or even in the middle if i needed).
Rotala Macandra I haven't touched it yet but i'm going to cut right on the substrate and replant when reach the needed height. This plant does not react well to cuttings (does not grow well after have been cut and creates another two stems).
For Limnophila hippuridoides, Heteranthera Zosterifolia, Bacopa caroliniana, I will trim around 1/3 of the higher stems on each trimming session. This should make it look good most of the times.
Murdannia Keijak can prove to be a little more difficult to use this method and i'll see how it will grow. It's branching very good!
So, after the trimming, this was the result (you can easily compare with the previous picture):
Another before/after trimming:
More pictures of after trimming:
Limnophila hippuridoides starting to have some colors:
Rotala Macandra (similar picture from the previous post):