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Glumag o Clabar - new tank!

Pretty sure these wee side shoots are promising?


On a side note...my shrimp don't half sh1t a lot!!


Quite like the wee buggers though!


On a good note, had my water tested by Maidstone today and pH is perfect but showing a tiny bit nitrite and some nitrate so possibly another week and the tank should be cycled, might actually get some fish!!

Going totally beginner with the choice of fish so sorry to you all....guppies...neons....endler guppies...

Would LOVE chilli rasbora, Galaxy rasbora and some Rams or Kribensis but just not got the money at the moment, not sold locally.

Galaxy rasbora were in Maidstone aquatics today but at £4 a pop...not just not thanks. Would want a school of 10 each of them and the chillies :arghh:
Oh forgot to say....found a 4x1.5x2 tank for £40 but it's in Exeter. I'm up in Bonny Scotland..I'll need to try and convince the Mrs that
A) it will fit in the house
B) it's worth the journey
C) fish aren't boring and pointless

So..tanks been going a few weeks now and all the pants have new growth, apart from the sword which apart from the one new leaf that shot up hasn't done much else. Collecting some sag natans and rotala on Sunday which should finish the left hand side and back of the tank!! Think I'll buy some more dwarf HG then that's me done planting for the moment.
Probably throw some fish in in a week or two 🙂
Don't really want to but my daughter wants a few guppies, she has daddy wrapped around her finger....
New fish seem to be settling in well although they seem to be sorting out the pecking order at the mo


I'm wanting it to kind of grow quite wild. Main thing I wanted to do was start with as many plants as possible. It's quite a small tank 🙁
I was thinking about crypts as well :thumbup: if I didn't have Java fern, anubias and Bolbitis I would get rid of the wood as it takes up lots of space. The rock behind it covered in weeping miss does as well.
Ocht it's going ok for my 1st attempt so far
Hi all,
maybe some crypt beckettii petchii between the eleocharis and alternanthera
I was thinking about crypts as well
You've got loads of space for some Cryptocoryne.
if I didn't have Java fern, anubias and Bolbitis I would get rid of the wood as it takes up lots of space
Not really, because it is 3D structure creates more planting opportunities. You can get a lot more plants in a tank with 3D structure than you can in one that just has a flat substrate.

cheers Darrel
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From 6 guppies down to 2 after 4 days...don't know what's going on? The fish all look fine but I'm waking up to a dead fish each day
If you still have nitrite in your tank even at low levels this will kill fish.
Do a large water change and reduce food to a minimum.
Guppies are also massively over bred and are one of the least hardy fish you can add to a new set up.
They seemed to think that there were no nitrite in the tank but I'll get the water retested. I've done a 100% over the last few days...nightmare
I have found that Amanos of a reasonable size can be remarkably resilient to imperfect water, usually the first things to react tend to be things like Cardinals and guppies which you wouldn't expect to happen. There is also the possibility that you bought from a bad batch, but if you have any trace of Nitrite when you take water back to the shop for testing a lot of fish shops will not replace them, for obvious reasons.

Hope it all turns a corner for you.
To be honest you sound correct. They were from 3 different tanks as I was as careful as possible selecting the fish. God I feel awful now
No fish have died today!! 6 down to 2 though...going to let me tank settle in more before I add any more plants or fish. I seem to have brought up a small amount of mud when planting my last lot, maybe that's why the fish died 🙁
If you disturb the substrate when planting or doing maintenance, try to have a syphon running so you can suck out any mud as it comes up. You should also do a large water change after substrate disturbance, both immediately after and it won't do any harm to put in some extra water changes for a day or two afterwards.
So, I'm going to need to chop my cabomba as its grown to my water level now, I'll replant the tops.
My Alternanthera rosaefolia has grown a bit as well and I'm hoping i can give the tops a wee chop as well. Should this help it grow out more rather than grow taller? Also can I replant the tops as well?
I do have side shoots which you can see in a pic in the previous posts
So 3 weeks in and the tank is doing ok. Cabomba is needing a trim and might do the same with the rosaefolia


Do you think my new sword leaves look a little translucent? Lack of nutrients?? In the middle of the pic


Also what about my new growth on the anubias does this also look the same??
