Columnaris !!!
As people will know who have read this post and another thread called 'clean freak'
I have tried to make my tank low tech, following the tom barr report, but sadly
i tried to shoehorn this onto my tank after i had started it had been set up, so it was never ideal.
i have not done a water change for three weeks trying to establish the plant change (sorry i can never remember the proper terms)
Have sat with my fingers crossed hoping it was all adapting, however i found a dead fish today.
I have never seen a fish look like this before, i have done some research and i think it is columnaris
the syptoms and build up to this seem to match i.e.
too much biological waiste etc
I can only think that i have created this by not having a heavy enough planted tank to try and acheive a low tech low mantience tank
would really appreciate any thoughts and advice
thanks dave