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Getting somwhere? pic updates

Re: Back to day one!!

awtong said:
I used to keep a few. They are quite nice in a planted scape but mine tended to stay quite low in the water column.


I should just bite the bullet and get the congos i think, im really missing the mid water activity.
Scotsdales here i come 😀
Columnaris !!!

As people will know who have read this post and another thread called 'clean freak'
I have tried to make my tank low tech, following the tom barr report, but sadly
i tried to shoehorn this onto my tank after i had started it had been set up, so it was never ideal.
i have not done a water change for three weeks trying to establish the plant change (sorry i can never remember the proper terms)

Have sat with my fingers crossed hoping it was all adapting, however i found a dead fish today.


I have never seen a fish look like this before, i have done some research and i think it is columnaris
the syptoms and build up to this seem to match i.e.

too much biological waiste etc

I can only think that i have created this by not having a heavy enough planted tank to try and acheive a low tech low mantience tank

would really appreciate any thoughts and advice

thanks dave
Re: What is this?

that is a fish? Looks like goo
Re: What is this?

I know!! i was away from the tank for about 72 hrs so my wife was feeding etc .. it could of been dead for a while
Took it to my lfs and they believe its just natural bacteria breaking down the fish ?

I hope this is the case, all my other fish look a ok

trying to calm down a bit and not convince myself thats any number of nasty fungal or bacetrial infection.
What is this?

In my experience columnaris shows as a white patch on the back under the fin, one of its common names is saddleback. It apparently comes in more than one strain, most have very high mortality and dont necessarily give the saddleback, but when I've had it the saddleback version has had mortality around 30%. Pimafix and melafix are the only things I've used.
Re: What is this?

Calzone said:
In my experience columnaris shows as a white patch on the back under the fin, one of its common names is saddleback. It apparently comes in more than one strain, most have very high mortality and dont necessarily give the saddleback, but when I've had it the saddleback version has had mortality around 30%. Pimafix and melafix are the only things I've used.

I have dosed the tank with melifix, but all the fish seem very happy

I think i over reacted and it was just natural bacteria on a dead fish.
The sae in question was very new to the tank and these things happen i guess
Keeping a close eye on them
Re: What is this?

Glad to report that all my fish seem like happy little troopers now 🙂

And its about time i updated with some pics ... still need a beginners course on how to use a camera!

Well theres growth but its slow, added my first pic to compare with my new pic at ten weeks in, opinions and advice always welcome especially on more plant suggestions.

week 6 first pic

week 10

week 6

week 10

there is some new growth im sure, but there are alot of new plants too !!!
nothings dying so hopefully im going in the right direction
Re: 4 weeks on!

Looking good mate, I'm only just starting to see growth on my nano, HC is a bit of a bugger to grow but it's getting there.
Re: 4 weeks on!

really liking this journal 😀 ,

im a beginner to planted tanks too, and you've kinda inspired me to start a journal of my own,

look forward to the next round of pics
Re: 4 weeks on!

This tank is really coming on nicely. 😀

somethingfishy said:
.....always welcome especially on more plant suggestions.

I am no expert on aquascaping. Infact I couldn't keep any of my plants alive up till recentely,...for what its worth though how about echinodorus amazonicus on the right side near the vals. Add more Vals. Some echinodorus tennellus and crypt parva for foreground (tightly planted & you might need quite a few pots i think), vallis nana( appeared to do well without co2 for me) bunched together at midground ,saggitaria subulata (i might just try one pot first), crypt balansae, More java ferns, Windelov fern, Big anubias like anubias afzelli (background), anubias bateri coffeefolia (mid placement) and anubias barteri augustifolia (foreground). Aponotogens, etc

This could look like an amazing little amazon jungle!!!! 😀

Other crypts like crypt blassi, crypt spiralis, Crypt lutea,...all planted tightly together.

I yapped again didn't i? :shifty:
Re: 4 weeks on!

what's the name of that long thin stemed plant with a broad leaf that you have there at the centre of the tank? It's very very nice 😀
Re: 4 weeks on!

Steveyg81 said:
really liking this journal 😀 ,

im a beginner to planted tanks too, and you've kinda inspired me to start a journal of my own,

look forward to the next round of pics

thanks alot steve

you should take the plunge, everyone on here is so helpful and its really good to get feedback especially for us new guys

although i have a long way to go with this one im looking forward to my next journal, this time starting it in the planning stages ... haha cause there was not alot of planning this time round 😀
Re: 4 weeks on!

faizal said:
what's the name of that long thin stemed plant with a broad leaf that you have there at the centre of the tank? It's very very nice 😀

seriously thankyou for the time and effort you have spent in your reply

i just have to read up on what half the plants are you listed.
saying that more crypts, anubias and echinodorus i think are the right way to go as i seem to be getting some growth and healthy looking plants with them so far.

Have learnt not to put any anubias high up in my tank as the just attract hair algae but not when i put them at the base?

And i definately want some more vals as i like the way they sweep across the top of the tank and as the frogbit establishes it should make a nice canopy.

My biggest regret at the moment is how one sided the tank is considering it was supposed to be a 360 ... think thats why i did not post a pic from the back 😳

more reading for me and hopefully then the next stage of planting ... wish i could master the tweesers, seriously funny how bad i am with them.

the stem plant you mentioned is an echinodorus but i dont know which kind ... i really need to keep the little cards!
I also need to work out how to do multiple quotes in a reply 😳

thanks alot dave
Re: 4 weeks on!

awtong said:
Looking very nice with steady improvement and some nice growth :thumbup:


thanks andy,

im just missing some special little plecs 😀

they have a nice pepermint ancistrus in amwells, nice looking little fella.

my two standard ancistrus are really growing now and are both very active, but i cant get out of the habbit of cycling fish every few months !! grass is always greener
Re: 4 weeks on!

Thank you Dave. 😀 I am glad that you found my reply useful.

somethingfishy said:
saying that more crypts, anubias and echinodorus i think are the right way to go as i seem to be getting some growth and healthy looking plants with them so far.

Yeah,....I found them really easy to grow too. Infact in my previuos non co2 tank practically everything i put in died except for the anubias & crypts. They are really super hardy.

somethingfishy said:
Have learnt not to put any anubias high up in my tank as the just attract hair algae but not when i put them at the base?

I think it's got something to do with their slow growth rates. They are usually prone to get BBA (Black Brush Algae) on their leaves when exposed to too direct light. Hence better to shade them with taller plants.

somethingfishy said:
... wish i could master the tweesers, seriously funny how bad i am with them.
Brother,...you should have seen ME planting my first 2 footer. Sweating,....and panting,.. clumsy fingers and all,..... :lol: It gets easier with each new try or tank. You pant less,...sweat less,...fingers still clumsy but managable. 😀

Wish you all the best with your tank. You are doing so much better than I had on my first attempt.