jalexst said:Looking goodReally like the 360 degree idea too!
I have best results when the moss peices are quite small (as apposed to sheets) and tied on with lots of thread, round and round. When it is in small bits i find it grows more evenly.
Your wood looks great, looking forward to seeing the moss!
cool thanks for that ... gonna see how what i have put in gets on, then add some more.johnjo said:Im new to planted tanks as well and have found a tip on here useful, very fine mesh hair netting works really well with moss if your tying long strips of it on. £1.00 for 2 nets at boots, you literally can't see it in the tank and it holds it all in place. Just cut a strip off, stretch it over the moss and tie with cotton, works on stones as well.
Calzone said:If you've got good enough filtration, enough oxygen and keep on top of maintenance reckon you could get a lot more fish in 300litres no problem. If it was me I'd look to get more Corys (min 6, pref more), probably a decent school of small dither fish to contrast the barbs (not sure how big they are mind you). And possibly more angels, though am not experienced with angels in terms of how easy it is to add new ones to a solo etc etc...
easerthegeezer said:Still think congo's would suit your jungle look great!
faizal said:Hi 🙂 . This is a very nice journal. I am not sure if I have this right (maybe someone with much better experience could correct me if I am wrong) but I think we should heavily plant our non co2 set ups if we are planning to go the no water change way. I think heavily planted means that if we see our substrate level straight from the top, we should only be able to see 10-15% of the bare substrate area, the rest should be covered with plants.
Somethingfishy, this is only just in case if you had not known this piece of information, Tom Barr also advises a pattern of dosing where you dose very simple ferts once a week for 3 weeks and then not dose for the 4th week and restart weekly dosing for the next consecutive 3 weeks & so on.
For a 20 US gallon tank it's:
1/4 teaspoon Seachem Equilibrium
1/8 th teaspoon KNO3 powder
1/32 teaspoon KH2PO4
Sorry if I yapped too much here. I only intend to inform you of such a regime exists in case you were not familiar with it.
somethingfishy said:i have been using tnc complete but maybe i should dose according to tom barr no point in ignoring someone who understands alot more than me 🙂
somethingfishy said:its a bit daunting not doing a water change but i guess i have to stick with it and see how it goes.