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I like the sound of the sand and moss scape but with it being open topped and hanging light how about a riparium ? Could still be low maintenance, low cost and would look great

Hi all,

Just a quick update.

I've been away all week and the tank's been doing fine in my absence. 3ml TPN+ and Spezial-N being dosed daily in my absence, no top-ups required, as the water is only 21-23C and I topped it right up before I left.

You can see the growth is quite significant, despite the lower lighting and nutrients. You can see the Rotala growing through the surface already. I'm going to probably just let it go wild until July when I'm home properly. Then I'll either give it one last prune and re-grow for another photo shoot (for the AGA contest perhaps), or total re-scape, maybe keeping the hardscape/moss as mentioned in earlier posts.

Photo taken with iPhone 5. I'm really impressed with the camera on these!

Stunning, possibly my favorite scape out of all of the ones you've done. Can't wait to see what you'd do with a 150cm or 180cm tank.

Reckon you, James and Ed should open a shop together in Knightsbridge and put your top layouts on display. I'm sure the Harrods crowd would snap them up!
The tank looks big in that picture george.
I love this scape its stunning. And to have come from having the time away from scaping during your tour of duty to produce this is a credit to your skills mate. Cant wait to see how this ranks

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Hi all,

Another quick update.

I would have been sharing photos taken with a Canon 6D but it's faulty straight out of the box. Disappointed is an understatement.

Anyway, here's a couple of shots taken this morning. It's been 2 weeks since any pruning. Almost all of the stems are now growing emerged.


You need a bigger tank for that alcove 😉

Nice to see the tank placed, gives a real sense of the scale.
I took this last night with my iPhone 5. I'm so impressed with its camera. It's better than any compact I've ever owned!

Nah, another Apple fanboy 🙂
Just kidding George, i also have that. Photo is great. It's nice to see how phones getting better these days.
Actually i was amazed how nice vid i can do with the phone compare to my 5DMarkII.
Awesome aquascape, George. One of my all-time favourites. I've always been a fan of "triangular scapes" but this one is really impressive.

How's the lighting? Is that medium light from where the tiles are hanging? I'd love to do something like this for my own 90cm tank but don't want be pruning all the time etc. Do you think low-medium light will give the same effect?