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Mental growth of the Riccardia, George! The best I've ever seen. And the tank is looking great now, so natural! I feel this will be a winner 🙂
Really silly question.... I can't see if you used anything between the tank and the cabinet ie polystyrene.... Have you used anything?
Thanks guys. 🙂

The embers have such nice colour on them ! What is their staple and supplementary? I agree with Antoni the growth on Fissidens and Riccardia is insane! You must have got a good batch of plants...😉
Thanks. Their regular dry food is Elos sv.0 which is tiny granules, like powder, designed for juvenile fish. The protein content is a bit higher than usual. I also feed a DIY blend that you can read about here - DIY fish food blend... | UK Aquatic Plant Society

I also think the fish like the very soft, acidic water, and there's also plenty of cover. I've also got the CO2 as low as possible before algae get a grip. All the fish go into a frenzy at feeding time which is a good sign. 🙂

Really silly question.... I can't see if you used anything between the tank and the cabinet ie polystyrene.... Have you used anything?
Yes, there's white foam between the tank and cabinet, as well as a heating mat.

Nothing much else to report. Growth is great, and the stems will be due another trim soon. The Ludwigia is annoying me; it's texture is too big and ruins the otherwise fine sense of scale I have.

If I get time this weekend I may do a practice photo shoot using backlighting and shed loads of T5.

I'm gob-smacked this journal has almost 40,000 views in 3 months. No pressure then.
Hi all,

Today I've mostly been experimenting with different lighting combinations in an attempt to get the best possible photo for the IAPLC 2013. I won't be doing the final photo shoot for another few weeks, but I wanted to have a play and feel confident when the time came.

Here's what I eventually came up with -

lighting fts shoot by George Farmer, on Flickr

The TMC LED tiles are being used for backlighting, the Fluval LED for lighting the background plants, and the Arcadia T5 unit for the remainder.

And here's the result (f/10, 1/100, ISO 1000) -

FTS 20-4-13 by George Farmer, on Flickr
That rocks George. 🙂
I can't decide this solid blue is the best or with some gradient would be better.
With this solid blue bcg the left trees on the background looks amazing. That detial would lost with a graded bcg i guess.

George will you put some afterburner to your plants for the last 24-48 hours? Just to have better red for the final photo. I may would play it out.

But the tank looks awesome really. Well deserved place for any contest. Good work mate. Love your comeback 🙂
Thanks guys. 🙂

I think the Hairgrass wouyld be growing out of the tank if you left it that way!:lol: Is that the Fluval Sea LED? Looking lovely btw!🙂
Hi James,

The Fluval LED unit is their 50cm (25w) "Aqualife and Plant" unit. It's an impressive piece of kit - really bright and even lighting. My only niggle is that greens tend to appear a little too yellow for my taste.

That rocks George. 🙂
I can't decide this solid blue is the best or with some gradient would be better.
With this solid blue bcg the left trees on the background looks amazing. That detial would lost with a graded bcg i guess.

George will you put some afterburner to your plants for the last 24-48 hours? Just to have better red for the final photo. I may would play it out.

But the tank looks awesome really. Well deserved place for any contest. Good work mate. Love your comeback 🙂
Thanks Viktor. 🙂

The blue background is actually graduated from white to blue, but I need to position it better behind the tank for next time... 😉

Good idea on the 'afterburner'. 🙂 I've still a few weeks left to have a play. I've got some other plans that will change the entire feel of the aquascape that I'll do just before the IAPLC deadline to see if they make an improvement or not.

Amazing aquarium, well done. But if by that light, the color of fish look washed
Thank you and welcome to UKAPS. 🙂

I think the fish colour looks pretty good under this lighting, but I guess it's hard to gain a 'real' impression from a 800 pixel image where the fish are about 30 pixels long. 🙂

Looking great mate, your best 'scape inmho. Good luck at IAPLC. 🙂
Thanks Mike. It's my favourite 'scape now too. Not just because of the layout, but everything about the journey it's been on - from my return from Afghanistan, to the moss blender technique, sharing the whole process in detail on here and getting so much positive encouragement and motivation from fellow UKAPS members.

Excellent photo mate!

Top 200 i tell thee!
Top 200 would be nice, but I'm not taking anything for granted. 🙂

Some more photos - the first two are with extra lighting. The last is with the set-up fully working, as normal, but with the tank further away from the rear wall to achieve a nice backlight effect from the TMC LEDs.

left 20-4-13 by George Farmer, on Flickr

middle 20-4-13 by George Farmer, on Flickr

working setup 20-4-13 by George Farmer, on Flickr
My only niggle is that greens tend to appear a little too yellow for my taste
I can see what you mean. Maybe the green stems at the back look a little dazzled!:lol: Looks great nonetheless! Your shrimp must be having the time of their small lives in amongst those plants!:thumbup: