Hi guys,
I had a bit of spare time this afternoon so here's an update with photos.
The Lindernia and Rotala are still recovering from the trim (well, more a hack) last week, but the new growth is coming through. The Ludwigia is slower growing than the Lindernia and Rotala, so I'm hoping they'll all grow to the right level simultaneously. I have an incredible amount of respect for aquascapers that have mastered the use of several species of stem plants, and their maintenance with regards nailing a decent final photo.
The grasses and mosses are near the stage where I want them for the final photo shoot, so it will be a case on keeping on top of these until the stems are also at the right stage. Hopefully it will all come together nicely at some point in the next 6 weeks or so before the IAPLC deadline (31st May).
I've added a dozen Neon tetras. I've always loved these fish - I remember seeing my first ever tropical aquarium as a young lad and thinking to myself I'll keep some of these when I grow up. I think the dash of blue is a nice addition to the aquascape. I've moved the B. maculata to my office tank, but kept the Ember tetras. The shrimp are still doing well.
I've added a small qty. of Staurogyne repens and Hydrocotyle tripartia to the lawn on the back left, and also some Marsilea hirsuta to the foreground. I figured the more textures the better to help enhance the naturalistic appearance - it's worked well so far with the HC I think. The Hydrocotyle will need to be kept in check, of course.
The CO2 is back on the Up Aqua inline diffuser and 2Kg fire extinguisher at 1 BPS using a Fluval bubble counter.
Anyway, enough rambling for now - you're probably more interested in pictures...
full tank and lights by
George Farmer, on Flickr
left 8-4-13 by
George Farmer, on Flickr
glassware 2 by
George Farmer, on Flickr
neon group by
George Farmer, on Flickr
neons trio by
George Farmer, on Flickr
left close 8-4-13 by
George Farmer, on Flickr
center 8-4-13 by
George Farmer, on Flickr
neon macro by
George Farmer, on Flickr
full-tank 8-4-13 by
George Farmer, on Flickr