Thanks guys.
Well, it's taken a while but I'm finally fully planted. This aquascape so far has certainly been a marathon and not a sprint.
The last of the plants to go in were 1-2-Grow Tropica Eleocharis sp. 'mini'. I've used this plant once before but found it tricky to divide without wasting a lot of healthy plants. I prefer to divide it up into more portions than recommended by Tropica, as I can get more and faster coverage.
This is what one pot looks like out of its container - it literally pulls out in one go, really cleanly.
eleocharis mini 12grow by
George Farmer, on Flickr
Rather than using scissors to cut up into 8 or so pieces, I have used a Stanley knife blade. This way I can get over 20 portions with virtually no wastage.
Here you can see one pot's worth on top of the tank ready for planting.
1 pot e mini by
George Farmer, on Flickr
Here is the tank is fully planted. I've added another three species on top of my original list - M. pteropus 'Micro', L. brasiliensis and A. nana 'Petite'. Still unsure about the Anubias and fern in the long-term but they're easy enough to remove if I don't like it. I've also add a few 'strands' of Weeping moss strategically across various pieces of wood/rock interfaces.
Final plant list
Riccadia chamedryfolia
Fissidens fontanus
Vesicularia ferriei 'Weeping'
Eleocharis sp. 'mini'
Eleocharis parvula
Echinodorus tenellus
Lilaeopsis brasiliensis
Microsorum pteropus 'Micro'
Ammania sp. 'Bonsai'
Hottonia palustris
Ludwigia sp.
final planting overhead by
George Farmer, on Flickr
And finally, Florence gets a shot of her Dad admiring his handywork!
me and tank by
George Farmer, on Flickr
Now I wait patiently. Hopefully the plants will take ok and settle into their new home. I'm try hard not to even think about the flooding yet...