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Does this Elatine hydropiper/Micranthemum sp Monte Carlo pearl as nicely/easily as HC?
Bets on how long it takes to cover???
5 weeks from now 😉
It won't fully cover........
George will have rescaped before it has chance 😉

Looking really nice George.
Like the thought process of using areas of denser single species plant growth to create accents and depth. Will be good to see in....I'd say 4weeks 3 days 🙂
Thanks guys. 🙂

Does this Elatine hydropiper/Micranthemum sp Monte Carlo pearl as nicely/easily as HC?
I'm not sure but expect so. I don't see pearling at the moment because I've deliberately kept the light lower to prevent algae with such small biomass, and CO2 low-moderate for the shrimp.
what is the worst that could happen if a pipe did develop a drip!

Depends on the size of the aquarium of course, if it loosens from an 1000 liter tank you could have a nice foofbath in an hour or so.

But is that som Silicon hose or something that gets really tight around the glas?

I guess none of the Crystals did get a bite of that food

How's this pot covering then George, any updated pics to see if some of the bets change 😉 I think it will be spreading like mad now it's adjusted to its home!
I posted a video two days ago mate. 🙂. Check the previous page.
Sorry George, I was browsing on my iPad and it had not loaded the video box up! Time for a new iPad I think 😉 mind you I'm sure it's grown a bit more since the video 😉
Its looking great mate, filling in very nicely.
Hi all,

4 weeks in and not much to report.

You can where the CO2 is hitting the front left of the tank more than other areas...

I added 12 cardinal tetras yesterday. They seem to have settled well.

I'm getting a light dusting of green algae on the rocks. So I've ordered 15 Twinstars to beat the hell out of it. [JOKE]. 🙂

4 weeks.jpg
Thanks Steve. 🙂

Cardinals tend to split up and do their own thing once they're settled - like most 'shoalers'.

I've found Rummynose, black neon and red eye tetras stay tighter, but there's no guarantee as every setup and fish is different.
TMC nutraSoil does not appear to be available in Canada, but how does it compare with ADA Amazonia as far as nutrient content and ammonia/nitrite leaching is concerned?
Hi Mark

I'd say very similar in terms of nutrient content and ammonia leeching etc. Perhaps slightly less as there's not the yellow staining of the aquarium water you can sometimes get with Amazonia. I've never properly tested either product though; my assumptions are based on a few scapes set up with each product so I may stand corrected.

It's the same grain colour as ADA Aqua Soil Amazonia but has a grain size in-between the Normal and Powder versions.