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  1. Chris Jackson

    Giesemann Pulzar HO and BT Interface Review

    HI All, I've replaced my ADA Aquasky 602 with a pair of 470mm Giesemann Pulzar HO Led units and accompanying Tezla BT Bluetooth controller. I'm very happy with the result but in truth all has not gone as smoothly as I'd wish. So why switch? Well the Aquasky delivers a lot of light packaged in...
  2. petemaz

    Giesemann LEDs

    Hi all, I'm returning to the hobby after some years and I just want to set up a 'perfect tank', or as near as damn it:), anyway. I've come across the Giesemann LED lights and I was wondering if someone has had any experience with those. They seem a bit pricey, but... do you really get what...
  3. N

    Lamp length vs aquarium length‏?

    Hi guys I am wondering if you could help me choosing the right length of a lamp based on my information and your guidelines and knowledge. My problem is that I am a first timer with an open aquarium, and I am a bit lost when it comes to choosing the right hanging lamp. For example I haven't...
  4. George Farmer

    George's One-Pot Iwagumi Challenge

    Hi all, New journal time. :) Spec - Tank and Cabinet - TMC Signature Range Lighting - TMC GroBeam 1500 Ultima x 2 CO2 - 2Kg FE, Dennerle reg with solenoid, 1BPS with Fluval bubble counter, Up Aqua inline diffuser Filter - Fluval G3 Substrate - 15 litres TMC nutraSoil (black) Ferts -...