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George Farmer At destination aquatics

hello glen.

im always happy with the plants and hardscape you have. loverly display tanks too. only one thing i ask is for more different type of rocks and plants you don't have already, that way you will get more customer spending more. i know i will haha

sorry i wont be there to have tea with you guys. always next time


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Any different plants that we don't normally have just give me a list and I can check with Anubias to see if they have them. Only thing they are limited on seems to be Buces. Oh... And Barclaya. They never ever have barclaya.

But yeah... Gimme a list and I can look
The tank is looking good Glen, when you/your customers get bored adding in some stems behind each piece of wood will really change the feel of the tank also 🙂

As for the store and how to improve.... aside more hardscape i think your doing pretty good fella, the anubias tissue culture range is a great product. You could always add a sand box so people can play with the soon to be improved range of hardscape. Personally i would push the biotope/communitope side of things with a heavy focus on the fact that plants = healthy tank. Also shrimp tanks.... everyone loves them, they are like printing money and generally you only get good shrimp online or at specialist shops?!?!?!

Oh and get a free coffee machine out front 😛
Turned a begrudging trip to Ikea yesterday into something more pleasurable by gong to see this. It has all grown in very quickly and looks fantastic. Nice to see one of George's scapes in the flesh. Did take some iPhone pictures but they're probably not worth posting. With hindsight I should have used the wifes phone.:banghead:
Turned a begrudging trip to Ikea yesterday into something more pleasurable by gong to see this. It has all grown in very quickly and looks fantastic. Nice to see one of George's scapes in the flesh. Did take some iPhone pictures but they're probably not worth posting. With hindsight I should have used the wifes phone.:banghead:

I went up to M/K today🙂 As you said Georges Scape has come on in leaps and bounds :woot: And well done Glen for doing a fantastic job of looking after it :thumbup: