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GA workshop scape - seiryu with mosses

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Antoni said:
Congrats Victor! This is very fine "mountain" theme scape! From day 1 I knew it will be a winner :thumbup:

Thanks my friend. This was a creation of Keymaker (one of my partner)
The nice thing was that we grew this under TMC LEDs. We built this on a workshop and turned to be a competitive tank for contests. :thumbup:

clonitza said:
Told ya you shouldn't strip the tank, it turned out really well 🙂

Thanks my friend. Well after a time it was too hard to maintenance because of the mosses. And the stones had to be cleaned timely.... and in this tank we a lot of them 😀

-- tried to send you a pm but no pm and email is available
I wonder if there's a way to keep them clean without any intervention. I'm working on some theories right now but I didn't fully test them yet.

PM should work now Vik, I replied you while you were writing this post.
