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Frogbite isn't growing

I have had trouble with frogbit too and it seems like we have the same problem. I've had snails in my tanks mostly ramhorns and I do see them hang on the plants, perhaps snail damage could be at fault. Also I've noticed lens burning from water droplets on the frogbit leaves causing holes to appear due to rot from the burn. I'd love to give the another plant at some point since I'm planning on getting some clip on lights which may reduce the condensation from the hood. Maybe you can try and grow some in a bucket with some ferts and see if there are differences.
Hi all,
It could be either of "Michael W' suggestions, but I think it might just be a "time of the year" issue.

As you have EI, and the plant has access to aerial CO2, it isn't fertilisers or carbon issue. Can you turn the light intensity up? and/or increase the photo-period? If you can, it should perk up a bit. As long as you have some left as the days lengthen after the New Year it will resume growth.

cheers Darrel
Oh yeah haha!! Your name says it all ... Your right it would be a bit worse for wear by the time it got there 🙂 ...

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