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forum convert needs fert help

discusdean said:
Cheers ceg the ro was being used to soften the water a bit but after your reply and reading other threads i think i will just cut it out ,as you say a fifty percent water change is a large job on a 500lt so am thinking of desighning a auto water change unit at work.

Will start the exel as soon as it arrives do you think i should see an improvement in a few weeks then .


Hey yeah, let me know when you design something because I really hate water changes 😡

Many people find that their plants actually do better in tap water than in RO. As long as your water is clean and you optimize nutrients and CO2 then you ought to be able to grow all but a handful of tropical plants. There are some species which do not appreciate hard water, such as Tonina, but there are so many choices out there it hardly seems reasonable to do all that work just for a few species. I guess if you fall in love with Tonina then RO would be the way to go, otherwise just try and simplify your life as much as possible. 😀

If you use a bit of elbow grease by clearing out as much of the visible algae you can, keep up your CO2 concentration, do the water changes and dose religiously, as well as use the excel/easycarbo you should easily see results in 2-3 weeks.

Cheers mate 😉
will keep you posted as it goes but i must say just doing what you said so far (upping co2 and water changes) my cryptos and anubias seem to be fighting back and winning as algae no longer plagueing them just seems to be all over wood and lawn .

cheers again and will let you know when i have a working water change unit did desighn one a while back but a little bulky will try and start a thread in right place for that one though.
