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Foresta 35e

Mike Singh

15 Jul 2011
Sutton Coldfield
Hi Everyone
I'm starting my journal for my Foresta 35e Paludarium. There is a backwall filter with a pump and an Atomizer which creates fog. The filter water trickles down the plant mats on the back wall. The fog flows out the top and down the backwall, keeping the plants moist. The back wall has slots to insert moss covered plants mats. I really like the concept of an aquarium which leads up and out into hardscape and plants out of the water. My aim was to recreate a slice through a river bank showing under the water and the bank. I wanted a relatively clean sand river bed, river bank with Anubias and Bucephalandras and a land part with plants growing out of the water into the air. The backwall sponges are covered with various mosses and a few plants (see below).
  • Foresta 35e
  • Dragon stone towards the back of the aquarium to simulate the river bank
  • Manzanita wood to lead the eye up the bank onto the moss wall and plants
  • Behind the Dragon stone - Tropica soil
  • Foreground - WIO Tigris sand
  • Chihiros 30B
Plug and Timers
  • Kasa Smart Plug Strip
Plants River and Bank
  • Cryptocorney parva
  • Anubias Mini Coin
  • Anubias Nana
  • Bucephalandra pygmaea
  • Cryotocorney moehlmannii
  • Cryotocorney wendtii Green
  • Cryotocorney wendtii red
  • Pogostemon helferi
  • Anubias gracilis
  • Anubias Caffeifolia
  • Rotala Orange Juice
Back Wall
  • Java moss
  • Christmas Moss
  • Weeping moss
  • Myriophyllum mattogrossense
  • Micranthemum Monte Carlo
Global View
Close up

Right corner: C parva, A mini coin

Left Corner: Bucephalandra, A caffeifolia

Fog flow: Myriophyllum mattogrossense, Monti Carlo, C wendtii

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Cool! Yeah i like these types of tanks as you might know since i have one for myself. The land part is an cool extra addition 🙂

Only problem i have is that i can't really have carpeting plants since my riparium is double the height and that means a lot of light... But well, cant have it all 😉

Watching this thread like a hawk.
Water Change
  • Near 100% weekly
  • Significant Crypt melt (expected)
  • Dead leaves removed
  • None as yet
  • Either Sea weed fertilizer or DIY fertilizer mix will be used in a few weeks
  • Tropica Aquasoil topped up as some sinking occurred
  • Sand vacuumed to remove leaf debris
I found this slug in the filter compartment of the terrarium. All plants and hardscape are from reputable aquascaping suppliers. How on earth did it get there?IMG_3056.jpeg
The plants are coming along nice a slow. About 50% of the Cryptocorney and Bucephandra leaves have melted but new leaves are growing. The moss wall has new growth. I’ve added immersed S repens. I’ve mossed up the wood with Christmas moss. I stripped the plant pad with the dead moss and replanted new Christmas moss. The gap in the left corner is filled with Anubias petite.

The light intensity is up to 60% for 8 hours.
I’ve dosed the tank with 10ml Sea Weed fertiliser today.

The filter and mister are working well.
I’ll add some photos later.
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