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Fluval Studio 900...'Dragons Crypt' Journal finished.

Re: Fluval Studio 900.

ianho said:
take the ISO up to get a decent fish shot. I always have my ISO set to 800-1600, this will give you a sharp, but a little grainy capture. I found it a help to have a look at the pics i liked of flickr and have a look where it says 'what make of camera it was taken by and it'll give you all the ISO, lens mm's, F numbers etc etc.
Cheers Ian, ill have a look at my camera and figure out how to adjust these settings. I remember when buying the camera that some reviews said it was limited at ISO 800^ so ill have to suck it and see.

Gary Nelson said:
Your tank looks fantastic Ady and it suits your room well - Bowser looks very comfortable too!

How do you find the actual tank and light? Ive looked at these online a few times and been quite tempted.
Cheers Gary,
yeah Bowser likes relaxing like one of us on the sofa!
Heres a link back to a previous post when i mini reviewed the tank, my opinion is still the same.... overall i like it, probably wouldnt go pre drilled again though, next time i scape it ill be capping the return and using a spraybar most likely.... or i could cap both and use glassware... 8)

Ady34 said:
Gary Nelson said:

How are you finding the 'Fluval Studio 900' I have been thinking very seriously in getting one as the dimensions are the perfect size for our lounge, but cant seem to find any stores nearby that actually have one on display for me to inspect. I really like the black and silver look and the lighting. I was tempted to go for a rio 180 in white, but not that keen on the cabinet.
What do you think of the build quality, lighting and so on... any info would be great or any problems you may have found?

Hi Gary,
i have to say overall im very pleased with the studio tank and cabinet. My reason for choosing it was it fitted the style and colour combo (black gloss and brushed aluminium) of our front room perfectly, plus i thought it to be a much more modern take on aquarium styling compared with the juwel tanks. My old tank was a rio 180 on dark wood and it served me well, the new white gloss is nice but i feel they could have altered the stands to 'modernise' them and give some extra storeage space also.
Ive taken a few shots of the tank/stand in situ for you to have a look at. I know that its never the same as seeing one in the flesh, but it may help. :thumbup:

Full tank/stand showing gloss level of the stand (reflection of skirting).


The gloss level is really high and the finish excellent.
The stand itself is really solid, much better quality than some of the recent fluval stands! It, like the tank, is very weighty and instills confidence immediately and door adjusments are accurate so you can get perfect symmetry.

The under cabinet area is also large with two equally sized 'cupboards' big enough for any amount of clutter. With a 70cm height, co2 and filter equipment have little restriction.


The lighting is neat and includes an integrated reflector... which it needs, 2x 39w ho t5 tubes on 180l isnt high light, but also it has to penetrate the glass sliding covers and condensation as shown below! I personally like the glass covers as they prevent things being thrown in, evaporation and importantly fish jumping out! You can of course remove them. My only real issue with the lighting is when fixed on the sliders, there is no height adjustment so the lighting sits quite close to the water surface and with the shape of the lighting unit the light spread isnt wide so you tend to get 'dark spots' for about an inch water depth at the front and rear water surface. The lighting unit does incorporate two neat little hooks so you can suspend from the ceiling if you like which would eliminate this problem (....but then blind you when you sat down on your sofa!!!) Also you could purchase an additional lighting unit and run 2 on the top which again would eliminate this problem and give extra light depending upon requirements.


Below is an image of the tank in a dark room to show the light dissipation from the tank.... much different from a closed top tank.


I really like the tank and stand and they are both solid designs, the tank made from 10mm glass. The drilled base is already plumbed and simple to attach piping too. I wish the drilled base came with a sided option though as i would have preferred my pipes at right hand side! This may not be an issue for you. Obviously when you buy a tank design like this you cant add glassware so are stuck with the filter uplifts as they are (unless you capped the drilled base fixings and added seperate hoses etc)... but i presume like myself you like the simplicity of the internal plumbing which also makes filter priming easy due to gravity!!! There is no spray bar attachment available, and i think the piping is an unusual size so you might have to be a bit of an engineer to cobble something up if you wanted this option.
Like i said at the beginning of my journal, its not opti white nor ADA quality, but i love it.. its not die hard aquascaper material, but its a much more contemporary design than most all in ones out there and bridges the gap i feel.
Sorry for being a bit long winded, i hope theres something useful there for you and its always nice to get something new! 😀
Cheerio for now.
Re: Fluval Studio 900... Inline C02.

Always love reading your posts Ady...I also believe you have done right by having a tank and stand that suits its surroundings. You are the one sat watching it every night not us, although I wouldn't mind watching your tank every night.
Re: Fluval Studio 900... Inline C02.

ianho said:
Always love reading your posts Ady...I also believe you have done right by having a tank and stand that suits its surroundings. You are the one sat watching it every night not us, although I wouldn't mind watching your tank every night.
Thanks mate,
ive been told before that i go on a bit! :lol:
When i win the lottery ill be gettin an ADA 120 with black gloss stand.... if they dont supply black gloss ill get it sprayed at work!

Heres my microsorum petite pearling.... and a nosey cardinal:

Re: Fluval Studio 900... Inline C02.

I SERIOUSLY need to bulk up on my plants !!! Your tank is looking fantastic Andy. Love it to bits. And the crypts in that pic (Tropica ?) give just hint of reddish that works a treat. It almost matches the purple wallpaper , hehe.😉
Re: Fluval Studio 900... Inline C02.

This tank is simply getting better & better,... 😀
Congratulations. I am loving that comfy sofa with the perfect view too Ady. I could sit there all day. 🙂
Re: Fluval Studio 900... Inline C02.

Antipofish said:
I SERIOUSLY need to bulk up on my plants !!! Your tank is looking fantastic Andy. Love it to bits. And the crypts in that pic (Tropica ?) give just hint of reddish that works a treat. It almost matches the purple wallpaper , hehe.😉
Much appreciated Chris, its amazing looking back how much the plants have grown. Admittedly there have been some additions to help fill it in, but slow growers like the ferns surprise you when you see what they started off as!
faizal said:
This tank is simply getting better & better,... 😀
Congratulations. I am loving that comfy sofa with the perfect view too Ady. I could sit there all day. 🙂
Cheers faizal, the chair gets well used 🙂 .

Well, ive been touring a few shops this weekend and saw some great fish in a shop ive not visited before, in particular some lovely 'Kitty' tetras. Id never even heard of them and was so tempted to get some.... but managed to resist. Theyre a yellow/gold deep bodied tetra and if i didnt already have so many fish id have snapped 6 up as i think they would have looked great. The shop also had a good selection of 'nano' fish and some rocket killifish which i love.
Anyway to cut a long story short ive scratched the 'what to do next' itch by buying myself a new nano tank 8) . Im going to keep the Studio running for a while and continue trying to iron out a few issues and test out the new fertilisers. Still not 100% sure on the way the nano is going, but thinking excel supplimented and possibly non heated CRS shrimp tank.... although i do like some nano fish so this may change 🙄 .
Its an Aqua One Aquanano 40, 55l cube with 18w PL lighting and inbuilt rear filter chamber hiding all the unsightly running gear. Ive got a load of Dragon stone left from scaping the Studio, and lots of Manzanita wood from George F to play with, so substrate apart shouldnt cost too much to get going.....may not even put a planted substrate in and use ferns, anubias and mosses to plant it up, but who knows :?: ....
Re: Fluval Studio 900... Inline C02.

Water change night again so posting an update.
Pretty much status quo, added some Blyxa Japonica (thanks Jimmyjames) to the centre behind the crypts and a little spare which i put at the far left to see how it does with less light. Its a much smaller plant than i imagined and its difficult to see it behind the mega crypts! Lovely looking though and a very nice bright green colour.
Moss is definitely improving again, maybe down to the ferts but maybe also something to do with the fact that ive been wafting detrius from it at water change time..... it was very mucky! 😳
Slight trim of hygrophila corymbosa at the right rear, its really thickening up now and needs weekly pruning to keep it in check.
Wishing now in hindsight that i hadnt bothered with the sand bed. Its all but invisible now what with aquasoil invasion and plant mass, and i would rather have had a full foreground of eleocharis parvula... its starting to spread into the gravel so maybe in time itll do it itself.
Pretty certain that the hydrocotle and staurogyne are being predated by snails, every new leaf is munched daily and ive seen the snails circling the hydrocotle leaves making them smaller with each round trip! Want some loaches (zebra or dwarf chain) to sort this problem but knowing theyll probably make a snack of my shrimp too its weighing up the pros and cons 🙄 .
Conductivity getting up to 650 EC us/cm pre water change time so reducing the amount of mineral salts added by half to try and reduce this a little for the soft water fish....not that they seem bothered, but itll save me a few pence in mineral salts!!!
C02 typically choosing the best possible time to start to run out....bank holiday weekend :twisted: . When i get it refilled will look into getting a back up cylinder!
With c02 running out ill post some pre crypt sulk photos, think when it completely runs out ill leave the lights off until i get a refill to reduce c02 related issues.



Re: Fluval Studio 900... Inline C02.

Ady I dream of the day I can look at my tank and be as satisfied as you should be with that. Its flaming brilliant ! I LOVE Blyxa too. Wish I had never got rid of mine and am hoping that some will be in on an order I am waiting for next week. Zebra loach ROCK ! (as do dwarf chains) but man they are expensive. Hope you solve the snail problem. How about assassins ? It could be they get rid of the others and will not predate your plants?
Re: Fluval Studio 900... Inline C02.

Antipofish said:
Ady I dream of the day I can look at my tank and be as satisfied as you should be with that. Its flaming brilliant ! I LOVE Blyxa too. Wish I had never got rid of mine and am hoping that some will be in on an order I am waiting for next week. Zebra loach ROCK ! (as do dwarf chains) but man they are expensive. Hope you solve the snail problem. How about assassins ? It could be they get rid of the others and will not predate your plants?

Very kind words Chris, thanks.
Yeah the blyxa came up in the for sale section so thought it a good opportunity as tropica dont seem to do it, or at least its not on TGM plant list or in the catalogue. Nowhere seems to have it, dont know if its anything to do with the plant/pesticide issues from the far east?
I love loaches, and had a group of 5 zebras that id had for about 4 years that i sold on when i set up this tank 🙁 .
Ive seen some zebra loaches and a few others around and stumbled across 4 dwarf chain loach in one of my lfs the other day. Unfortunately they were in a tank that had just taken a new batch of hatchetfish which had whitespot and the loaches were flicking a bit so at £7.99 each thought best to leave alone.... shame as nowhere seems to have any at the moment.
As for the Assassin snails, unsure but think they might like harder water than im aiming for, but ill check them out....also heard they leave nasty hard egg deposits all over? Got a tip elsewhere about leaving some cucumber in the tank overnight which the snails feed on and then you can just lift them out on mass... ill give that a go too!
Re: Fluval Studio 900... Inline C02.

carrot or cucumber in a jar overnight works a treat mate. Assassins dont deposit eggs like that mate, that will be pesky nerite snails that do that.
Also airline hose or slightly larger hose used to suck them out an hour or two after lights out will make short work of them.
Re: Fluval Studio 900... Operation snail removal.

easerthegeezer said:
carrot or cucumber in a jar overnight works a treat mate. Assassins dont deposit eggs like that mate, that will be pesky nerite snails that do that.
Also airline hose or slightly larger hose used to suck them out an hour or two after lights out will make short work of them.
Cheers Iain,
just googled them, and your right its nerites that deposit hard eggs. Assasins seem to prefer neutral/alkaline conditions, but ive got loads of snails now, so if i see any assassins i may get a few and see how they do for the long term control. Short term ill stick some veg in and manually remove.
Re: Fluval Studio 900... Little video.

little video taken on the camera:

Re: Fluval Studio 900... little video.

superb mate, that really is a beautiful tank. There's loads going on in there. The plants look super healthy. I don't really know what else to say.
Re: Fluval Studio 900... little video.

ianho said:
superb mate, that really is a beautiful tank. There's loads going on in there. The plants look super healthy. I don't really know what else to say.
Cheers Ian, and more than enough said :thumbup: 😳
Took the vid the other day but it takes about 2 hours to download to you tube for some reason and the computer has been randomly switching itself off so only managed to get it on today!! Changed the camera setting to film in VGA 640 x 480 size for future in hope of faster downloads.
I still really should invest in a tripod too.
Re: Fluval Studio 900... little video.

mario said:
wow, such a beautiful and natural looking tank, congratulations.
Thanks Mario,
the wife described it as looking 'a bit full' the other day.... maybe thats her way of saying natural 🙂 !

awtong said:
A cracking watch. Those Crypts in the centre are lush.

.....just waiting for them to melt with c02 running out 🙁 refill this week 🙂 !

Timms2011 said:
This is amazing, perfect looking setup..a pleasure to follow your journal and watch the video.
Thanks Timms,
its been a pleasure to do the journal in all honesty. UKAPS has so many members willing to give help and encouragement without which id have never got to the stage where everything is looking pretty green and healthy. Its been a journey and a great learning experience and the tank seems to be pretty stable now, and most things that go wrong i can attribute to one thing or another.
Maybe not the perfect set up as theres always something you could improve, but ive always liked the 'fuller' look, and now ive been able to achieve this so a big :thumbup: to ukaps and everyone on here and all the positive feedback, its very much appreciated.

Re: Fluval Studio 900... little video.

C02 ran out yesterday, left the lights off yesterday and today, c02 refilled and back on now so hopefully minimal plant growth disruption!
Made the mistake of closing the needle valve so previous settings gone, will now need to faff on for a few days to get it set right again 🙄 .... that may cause me more issues than having no c02 for a day! still learning....
Re: Fluval Studio 900... little video.

Bloomin nuiscance huh ? Im sure you will get the needle valve setting back to pretty much what it was without too much problems though. I can get mine looking to what I know it should be now.