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Fluval Studio 900...'Dragons Crypt' Journal finished.

Re: Fluval Studio 900... C0 bloomin 2!

Hi Ady,

Loving this journal, sorry to hear you're still having issues with algae and crypt melt.

Ady34 said:
Im still struggling to get things right... i kind of want to start again, but think maybe i should perservere to sort these issues before moving on!?

I would suggest stick with it, I have reached the point where it gets difficult with previous set-ups, and rather than carry on dealing with the issues, I broke the tank down and started again. I almost always wished I had stuck with it as I wasn't getting any experience in dealing with this kind of issue, and would often have the same problems with the new set-up. Also, not to forget, with a new substrate system, hardscape and plants, it is the more expensive option.

Having said that, the planning and set-up is my favourite part. I'd also quite like to see what type of scape you do next 😀

Re: Fluval Studio 900... C0 bloomin 2!

Cheers Dan,
my plan with this first attempt was to run it for a year to gain as much experience as possible. I know deep down that resolving the issues are important for experience and the future but man its wearing at the minute, especially with the crypt melt.
I feel this tank has evolved as much as it can now and I have so many ideas id like to try too. Ive recently bought some manzanita wood which is giving me the itch also.
With regards replacing the substrate, if i were to rescape i was going to post on the substrate forum to see if i would need to replace the lot, or if i could re-use the existing and add a little extra. I know recently Ian (Ianho) has reused his substrate, but i would have to confirm i could do the same with the ADA stuff.
Anyway, thanks for taking the time to post your thoughts, id like to see it through..... but who knows?
Re: Fluval Studio 900... C0 bloomin 2!

Moving on is the way we learn IMO. I'm sure others will agree, others will disagree. Next time you'll plan around the issues you're having. At the end of the day you know why things are melting, i say if you get the feeling that you want to try another scape, try it (i £££ permits), you certainly have done brilliantly with this tank and again i'm sure everyone will agree with that. As for the substrate, yes reuse it if needs be, i think is Tom Barr that is using 5 year old Amazonia. The substrate tends to hold on to the good stuff if we are column dosing as well. I say do another scape, you don't want to be sat in front of the tank getting bored and thinking i wish i'd done this and that.
Re: Fluval Studio 900... C0 bloomin 2!

Hi Ady, I read this thread from start to finish last night and have thoroughly enjoyed it. I agree with Ian(ho) that if you have the urge to do a new scape, you should do it. You will continue to learn from your mistakes, but that does not have to be on the same setup. You will be able to implement your new knowledge on a new scape and being new it will retain your interest rather than you carrying on learning on one that you are now "done with" as it were. I can see from reading this thread and the images you have posted, just how much you have learned and to be honest its one of the most impressive tanks I have seen, so you clearly have the knack 🙂

As far as substrate goes, when I decided I was not going to use all of the Colombo Florabase that I had, and wanted to sell it, the stuff I took out of the tank, I put in thin layers on baking trays (a quid from Asda if you dont want to annoy the Mrs using her best ones, lol) and baked in the oven for 20 minutes or so (some trays took longer if I had put more on them) until they were dry, then let them cool off (only takes 10 to 20 minutes) and bagged them up. It took a few hours with quite a little factory going but I think it was a useful move. The guy who bought it was happy with the result. Also I have seen other people write that they rebake their clay based substrates... there is one type in particular but its name escapes me.

My understanding is that because of its high CEC (cation exchange capacity) it will absorb ferts where they are available, as well as release them. Nothing to stop you buying some of the ADA substrate additives though, or putting in some fert tabs as well just to supplement it :thumbup:

Anyway, great scape mate. Make sure you do a really nice FTS before ripping it all apart though 🙂
Re: Fluval Studio 900... Moving on?

ianho said:
Moving on is the way we learn IMO.
ianho said:
Next time you'll plan around the issues you're having.
yeah, i agree, but i almost feel like im giving in, I would like to try ei ferts and inline injection with this set up to see if it alters things in any way for comparison before moving on, but maybe i should just get over it and try some new things on a new set up!
ianho said:
As for the substrate, yes reuse it if needs be, i think is Tom Barr that is using 5 year old Amazonia. The substrate tends to hold on to the good stuff if we are column dosing as well.
Antipofish said:
My understanding is that because of its high CEC (cation exchange capacity) it will absorb ferts where they are available, as well as release them. Nothing to stop you buying some of the ADA substrate additives though, or putting in some fert tabs as well just to supplement it
Cheers for that, and wow 5 year old substrate! :shock: I think if i rescape ill see what a mess my crypt roots make of pulling up the powersand and go from there..... finances dictate however that maybe topping off is the way forward, and i have loads of tpn+ root tabs i can supplement with.
ianho said:
I say do another scape, you don't want to be sat in front of the tank getting bored and thinking i wish i'd done this and that.
Your right, new wood has arrived and is offering plenty of food for thought, itll just be deciding what to do!
ianho said:
you certainly have done brilliantly with this tank and again i'm sure everyone will agree with that.
Antipofish said:
and to be honest its one of the most impressive tanks I have seen,
Thanks for the encouragement guys, its had ups and downs and ive learned so much but maybe its time to move onwards and hopefully upwards.
Cheers :thumbup: ,
Re: Fluval Studio 900... Trim time.

Been away on a long weekend break, and then been a bit ill so water change day was 8 days from the last, rather than the usual 6. Things had got a little bushy!

Thinned out quite a lot of bolbitis, crypt leaves and ecicularis, trimmed the pinitafida too and removed some balansae leaves to open things up a bit. Removed loads of silvania natans too. Just to show what gets removed, maybe not this much every week, but quite alot.
This is what was removed:


Lovely towel!!!





Post trim, hairgrass is a PITA to remove so left the parvula in the foreground for another day. Water a little bubbly after refilling, but definitely brighter and more open with better circulation again.


Re: Fluval Studio 900... Trim time.

Awesome Ady. Looks great post trim :thumbup: Is that hairgrass over on the right ? Which variety ? It looks cracking.
Re: Fluval Studio 900... Trim time.

Hi Chris,
Antipofish said:
Awesome Ady. Looks great post trim :thumbup: Is that hairgrass over on the right ? Which variety ? It looks cracking.

Hairgrass is right foreground, short stuff is eleocharis parvula and the longer one at the very right is eleocharis ecicularis which needs still needs a trim.
The ecicularis i trimmed was in the centre rear which was so long it reached the surface! You can see it in the EDIT... post trim (not pre trim as is previously written) photo behind the hygrophila polysperma rosenvig.
Re: Fluval Studio 900... Inline c02.

well, although rescaping is a consideration ive decided to carry out a few 'tests' with this current set up to see if there are any noticeable improvements/changes in the system.
Ive started by adding inline c02 to see if this improves distribution via the filter oulet. Im using a Boyu inline diffuser (thanks Chris - freelanderuk), so time will tell if this helps/hinders things. Ill have a better idea tomorrow when things have settled after tonights water change. Fresh dc reagent has been added to ensure the most accurate dc reading. Fish behaviour will be monitored as diffusion may be different than the previous in tank system. C02 rate will then be tweaked accordingly if necessary.
The next change will be a switch to EI ferts, im going to try a Tobi's special mix with added Mg and Ca from Aquarium Plant Food Uk. This will begin when my current TPN+ runs out (2 weeks ish) and will give me a chance to see if there are any changes due to the inline c02 first.
Re: Fluval Studio 900... Inline C02.

inline c02 rocks..... came home from work to find a tank full of micro bubbles.... and i mean full, from top to bottom, left to right, front to back.... awesome. Lime green dc still, but distribution and bubble size are 100% improved. The plants will be getting an overdose of c02 as the misting is everywhere :thumbup:
I know some folk dont like c02 mist in the tank, but for me its great to see c02 everywhere and in such fine bubbles.
The diffuser 'hisses' a little as the c02 is pushed through, but hardly audible when the cabinet door is closed, and im sure it could be lagged to make it even quieter. A small price to pay for the improvement though, cant wait to see if this results in better plant growth.
Dont know why i never tried this sooner?! :?
Re: Fluval Studio 900... Inline C02.

Ady34 said:
I know some folk dont like c02 mist in the tank, but for me its great to see c02 everywhere and in such fine bubbles.

That's why I like it, I can see the distribution and the flow pattern. As far as misting goes when I first used it the fish became a bit shy for a couple of weeks but then they got used to it.

Your tank looks great :thumbup:
Re: Fluval Studio 900... Inline C02.

I just switched back to an inline from in tank diffusers, i reckon it put me back 2 weeks from new. The inlines just seem easier to find the balance as the mist does give a good visual guide. I still hate the mist but having it prefilter reduces it enough i can live with it.
Will be interesting to see what, if any, difference it makes to your plant health in an already heathy tank.
Re: Fluval Studio 900... Inline C02.

Hey Ady, doesnt the boyu have 9mm apertures ? Do you find this affects your flow ?
Re: Fluval Studio 900... Inline C02.

davem said:
when I first used it the fish became a bit shy for a couple of weeks but then they got used to it.

Your tank looks great
Hi Dave,
thanks, the fish seem to be unphased by the new mist, although the Harlequins are still hiding away a little at peak c02 as they were before, but they soon reappear an hour or so after the gas goes off. Its quite interesting watching the fish behaviour and gives you a feel for those more 'tolerant' of higher c02..... the rummy noses seem to be the least effected and continue their business regardless, the harlequins seem more sensitive and as said, shy a way a little when its peaking. Amano shrimp dont seem bothered at all.
easerthegeezer said:
Will be interesting to see what, if any, difference it makes to your plant health in an already heathy tank.
mmm... relitively healthy, but continuing crypt melt, a little staghorn and very slow growth of some plants notably staurogyne repens left foreground, the moss on the wood has stopped growing after initially needing heavy pruning, and the hydrocotle sp japan is at a standstill too. This suggests something is still imbalanced... crypts are probably down to co2, but unsure about the staurogyne and hydrocotle, they appear to be being predated....healthy plants however should grow strongly enough to overcome a little nibble? Just the other night i noticed the first large and healthy hydrocotle leaf, which the next morning was halved! Dont know whether this is fish, snails or shrimp?
In this respect it will be interesting to see if the better dispersal and misting of c02 improves things, and that in fact the poor growth of some species is down to c02 as is normally the case. May also add some weight to the theory of c02 misting directly landing on the leaves aiding the plants..... well see.
Antipofish said:
Hey Ady, doesnt the boyu have 9mm apertures ? Do you find this affects your flow ?
Hi Chris,
the boyu i have is 16-22mm, i trimmed the excess taper on either end to reduce as much 'backflow' as possible within the filter pipes, although i understand that the internal measurement is 16mm regardless. I havnt noticed a significant flow reduction from what i can see of the water movement within the tank, the G6 still says full flow, however im not convinced this function is working correctly as i have in the past observed noticeable flow drop off due to pre filter soiling without a reduction showing on the G6 monitor. 😵
Re: Fluval Studio 900... Inline C02.

Noticing a bit more crypt melt on balansae and wendtii brown/tropica, unsure as to weather this is a reaction to previous c02 irregularities or due to the change to the inline diffuser.
From what i understand inline c02 is more efficient (some even need to reduce bubble rate), and certainly the visual micro bubbles and distribution around the tank support this, but could there actually be less c02 being offered? No changes have been made to the needle valve so the same amount of c02 is being offered as before, the dc is still lime green, however this could theoretically be more effected by the greater contact with the micro bubbles... and a false reading. Fish seem to be responding similarly to before, however seem quicker to resume 'full action' after c02 off.
Ill monitor for a few more days and adjust upwards if necessary.
Re: Fluval Studio 900... Inline C02.

Hi, little update...
Not too happy with the fish in this level of c02, the harlequins arnt comfortable at all and it seems stupid making them suffer. DC is lime green for lights on and by the end of c02 is borderline yellow. Maybe ill try tweaking it down a fraction, but turning it on 15 mins sooner. Hopefully this will achieve lime green dc throughout and help the fish out a bit.
No significant improvements to the slow/stunted plant growth on the staurogyne repens and hydrocotle sp Japan :? , although the moss is showing some sign of returning to a more vibrant green colour. Pearling has increased on the plants (not the be all and end all i know), but overall the tank seems to look more vibrant. Crypts looking full of colour again, and maybe not so much melting, but still some.
Some plants are growing well, others not so well. Pruning all the hygrophilas regularly and both eleocharis species. Both fern species growing really strongly and the anubias nana petite i positioned on the wood (hidden) is also doing well..... i found it again the other day when pruning some stems. Funnily a few surviving stems of Ludwigia arcuata have renewed vigour too, not really red, but certainly looking healthier. All in all i can say that the plants have responded well to the inline c02, so im getting either better distribution, or they like the contact with the micro bubbles..... probably both! :thumbup:
Nearly out of TPN+ so will be starting my APFUK spezial 'n' type macro mix ferts within a few days, and dosing micro salts too. Will see if this makes any difference.
Re: Fluval Studio 900... Inline C02.

C02 rate reduced slightly and on 15 mins sooner. Fish happier, plants still pearling and dc still lime green.....ill await a sulk from my crypts!
I repositioned the dc to mid rear centre last night after water change, this is the third position its been in and still lime green, so distribution seems good. May try and place it as low as i can in a rear corner.
Also added some tpn+ capsules under the staurogyne and hydrocotle in the sand bed.
Re: Fluval Studio 900... Inline C02.

davem said:
How long is your CO2 on before lights Ady?

Good news that the fish are happier.

on 3 and a half hours pre lights and off 3 hrs before lights off.
Re: Fluval Studio 900... Inline C02.

Ady34 said:
davem said:
How long is your CO2 on before lights Ady?

Good news that the fish are happier.

on 3 and a half hours pre lights and off 3 hrs before lights off.

Hi Ady. If it goes off that soon before lights out, what colour is the DC at lights out ? Is it still lime ?