Hi all,
This is a male flower of L. laevigatum.
Limnobium laevigatum (West Indian spongeplant); habit and flower. July 2011.
©Show ryu, Japan/via wikipedia - CC BY-SA 3.0
cheers Darrel
This is an interesting development. That isn't a Limnobium sp. There are only two of species, L. laevigatum and L. spongia. and they both <"have little spidery offerings">.For the past few weeks my Limnobium has flowered almost daily, they don't last long though.
....... Flowers are small, white, and unisexual. Female flowers have an inferior ovary. The fruit is a fleshy, berry-like capsule 4–13 mm long and 2–5 mm in diameter, borne on a recurved pedicel, developing in mud or under water. The fruit contains up to 100 seeds. The seeds are 1 mm long, ellipsoid, and hairy (Cook and Urmi-König, 1983; Encyclopedia of Life, 2016)...
This is a male flower of L. laevigatum.
Limnobium laevigatum (West Indian spongeplant); habit and flower. July 2011.
©Show ryu, Japan/via wikipedia - CC BY-SA 3.0
cheers Darrel