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Fissidens Fontana’s


6 Sep 2024
Hi all. So what is it that’s so special about this moss? A while back, when me and the wife paid a visit to aquarium gardens, we were casually browsing at all the beautiful scapes they have, We noticed this moss in one of their tanks. We both instantly fell in love with it ( I know that sounds sad 🤣 ) but honestly, we were both just in awe of it, and we asked one of the staff ( Steven ) about it, and he said that it’s so rare, you can’t get it anywhere anymore? So that intrigued me more to source some. We eventually found a shop that had some in stock a few later , and thought blimey that easy enough! But what turned up was nothing more than a few tubs of dust! So we were quite disappointed by now, but we did get our money back no problem.

Fast forward a couple months, I’ve managed to find some again, but my god I had to pay a pretty penny for it ( something like £30? Plus postage ) for a tiny amount! I’m just hoping that what arrives won’t be a tub of dust again lol. Hopefully someone can give me some insight as to why people charge so much for it?
Stopped being produced commercially, but does come back time to time.

Doesn’t do well in gel

Lovely fern like fronds

Invasive in tanks, as in most people who have it are like “how do I get rid of it”

Also know to survive being dried out in storage for years…
Stopped being produced commercially, but does come back time to time.

Doesn’t do well in gel

Lovely fern like fronds

Invasive in tanks, as in most people who have it are like “how do I get rid of it”

Also know to survive being dried out in storage for years…
thanks for the info that’s good to know. What a shame to know that the stuff we had bought initially could well have been revived? You’ll have to excuse my ignorance with this, because it’s all new to me.
Hi all,

I'll have a look out for it if I'm doing any stream surveys. It isn't actually uncommon in the UK (but only in clean streams) and you can sometimes find it on rocks under bridges etc.

cheers Darrel
That’s great to know, and I’ll have my eyes open next time we’re out walking the dogs. I wonder if they’ll be any down in Canterbury adjacent to the beautiful rivers running through the town.
Hi all,

Unfortunately it is paddling job normally (possibly train the dog, a bit like a truffle dog?).

There are plenty of aquatic UK mosses that you can find <"Quick growing moss for low tech">, bizarrely ones that often sell for <"serious money"> or are <"commercially unobtainable">.

cheers Darrel
Thanks for your help. Interesting to know about all this. I honestly didn’t realise that moss was a “thing” and people liked to grow it etc. I’ve got a lot of learning to do haha 😅 appreciate you help darrel
Hi all,
I honestly didn’t realise that moss was a “thing” and people liked to grow it etc
If you want some of my <"moss mountain">? You are more than welcome.


cheers Darrel
Hi all,

PM me your address, £5 (to cover p&p) for as much as I can stuff in a takeaway container.

cheers Darrel
🤣🤣 you will need to help me how to private message you? I’m not the sharpest tool in the toolbox so to speak when it comes to technology. Thanks mate, you’re a diamond