S&S DAY!!!!
What could be in here???? Well if you've been following along it's the awaited Shrimp and Snails! And omg they did not disappoint. I have never kept either animal and barely even seen them in real life so today was like being a kid again. Between getting them acclimated, getting the tank ready, getting them in the tank and watching them I have spend most of the day on this and have zero regrets. I wish i got more pictures for y'all, but by the time FedEx showed up I was up against some time constraints to get it all done in time for real life interruptions.
The snails came in a wet towel inside an airtight plastic bowl with lid. I put the bowl in the tank and every 15 minute added a little tank water. Once it was mostly full I placed them one by one in the tank. At first I thought most would be DOA as they didn't "grab" when I placed them, but slowly and surely they started moving slowly then sped up. This was especially the case with the Zebra Nerites. They move a lot faster than I thought they would, and oh boy are fun to watch.
I drip acclimated the shrimp over several hours, so much time was spent watching the snails waiting for the shrimps to be ready. Aquatic Arts only had Large Amanos and they weren't exaggerating, these suckers are LARGE. Especially compared to the size of the Tangerine Tigers, I'd say on average about 5:1 at least. What the tigers lack in size they make up for in cuteness, these buggers are about the most adorable little creatures I've ever seen. Sorry, just a proud new papa, lol.
There are about a dozen of these little guys and I I just can't even. 😍

The amanos are also cute, but in a less traditional way. I guess, mostly because their size. I mean one of them I think I may have eaten a distant cousin of his at Christmas, I'm not sure. They are more baddass than cute. The instant I added the six of them to the tank they were going at it cleaning and eating like machines. Just jumping from one side of the tank to the other, find all the places they wanted to go to for their feasting the next several weeks. The instructions said that the shrimp would be stressed and want to hide and chill once I added them, but that wasn't the case here, all of them were going around and around the tank exploring eating and thusly cleaning things. It was a great experience to behold all of it. All the planning and waiting, it seemed to finally be coming together, and all the worries about them not liking my tank or not making the trip, were behind me. The snails were happy, the shrimp were happy, the tank was happy, I, was happy...
And then later this evening, I was abruptly brought back down to earth. Let's back up a moment to yesterday. Every once in awhile I always tilt the biomaster from side to side to release trapped air inside. No idea why I do this, I think it might help the flow or something if air isn't trapped or whatever, but yesterday I did it and a big cloud of white murky water came gushing out the lily pipe and clouded up the tank, along with these very tiny squigly wormy things. Not wider than a hair and not much longer, but definitely squiggling on their own accord. I must've knocked something loose, I guess. I had to run for a bit and when I got home the tank was back to normal, thankfully. However, the episode did remind me I keep forgetting to add Purigen to the filter to get a good polish. During the dark start I obviously didn't care about this, so I decided i would wait to add the Purigen until I get the tank planted and I keep forgetting. Well tonite, for some reason i remembered and for some reason I was bound to make it happen. Once the lights turned off, I pulled open the biomaster and added in a bag of Purigen. Easy enough, I popped the lid back on and turned it all back on and got things flowing again, but once again Tilting the canister back and forth. While I was doing this I noticed out of the corner of my eye the Amanos started going nuts. Something was wrong. After some initial troubleshooting I pulled out my pH meter and even though an hour ago it was reading 5.85, it was now reading 4.45. What the actual f*&$😟. The first thing my mind went to was the Purigen. I quickly grabbed it back out the filter and got the filter running again. Then I decided to do a quick water change. This made the pH go up to 4.65. Not good enough. The amanos were still acting frantic, and the zebra snails had retreated to above the water line. Not good. After frantically trying to figure out what to do, (there wasn't time to come here and ask advice) I ended up just running fresh RO water (it is same temp as tank) into the tank while simultaneously draining the water, while simultaneously watching the pH meter go up. About five minutes later the pH was above 5.25 and I started getting worried about re-mineralizing the water, so I stopped and got the GH where it needed to be. By this time the shrimps had seem to calm down and the snails were retreating back into the water and back to cleaning the aquarium walls. I decided it was time to leave well enough alone. I am leaving the lights off for now, hoping everyone will calm down in there overnight. Without the light I cannot see if the Tangerine Tigers are ok or not. The Amanos seem fine. Time will tell I guess....?
What happened?? I have looked it up and seachem says Purigen doesn't alter water parameters. I currently have the bag of purigen sitting in a bowl of water that has a pH of 4.35. That same bowl of water was at 5.85 before I added the bad of Purigen. I feel like this has something to do with my low kH, but I really am at a loss Another thought I had was when i opened the filter there were pockets of anaerobic activity in there and introducing a bunch of air disrupted that releasing Hyrdogen sulfide (I did smell sulfur during my troubleshooting) . Here though, I am admittedly grasping at straws, and talking about things I don't know nearly enough about. Current parameters are Zero NH3, NO2, > 10 NO3. pH 5.25. I have an aerator stone going hoping to add in as much O2 and remove as much CO2 as possible, but no idea if that is stupid or pointless or both. All I know is whatever happened it caused a very fast and drastic change to my pH. Any thoughts about what may have happened, and or what I may do to prevent it in the future would be more than welcome. It was a bit of a stressful saga. Lol.
Overall, though, still a great day, even though it ended on a bit of a sour/mind-boggling head scratching note.