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First ever tank - nano/ walstad/ low tech


New Member
2 Mar 2024
Hey everyone, thought I'd share my first ever set up. It's roughly 6 weeks in at this point. Letting everything grow in, so it's looking a bit wild right now.

30x30x30 tank
Soil/ dirt + gravel cap
budget light

Waiting for the moss to grow and then moving it somewhere else to make it look a bit more natural. I'd say the vallisneria isn't doing amazingly well but it arrived in that state..

Next steps: Adding ramshorn snails and blue velvet shrimp (delayed delivery). Also planning of adding daphnia pulex, crangonyx pseudogracilis, and blackworms after some recommendations I saw on here and figuring out where best to source them.

Any questions, feedback, tips or potential risks you see?


Absolutely. The spiralis variety is smaller, but they get tangled. Is that eleocharis? Never could get those to grow...
Looks good! My Vallis melted quite a lot for the first 3-4 weeks, but has now recovered really well and has plenty of runners and new growth.
Hi all,
I love the emergent plants, but how did you stick them up so upright?
I think they are in clips (like these or DIY ones <"Poth-O-Carry® Original Aquarium Pothos Holder — The Poth-O-Carry® Store"> and have grown straight up towards the light, but they will eventually sprawl sideways.

What are the emergent plants and are they rooted in the substrate? I kind looks like they are floating somehow.
Pothos (<"Epipremnum aureum">).

cheers Darrel