Working away from home for weeks at a time has disadvantages, being away from home 2 weeks out of 5 means the tank gets neglected, Mrs Simmo will do a couple of small water changes, feed the fish and dose TNC once a week but she works hard and has little time so I knew I was coming back to an algal when she sent me this photo of algae on the frogbit roots and by the time I got home it had spread about the tank that was choked and almost stagnant with very little flow. Next time I'm away think I'll leave off the fine filter wool from the filter.
So I cut off the frogbit roots, and did a 50% water change, cleaned the filter sponges and media in tank water and had a general tidy up. More work to do, some of the java ferns are covered in BBA-like tufts and there is hair algae on many surfaces including the Amazon swords. I'm changing TNC dosing from 20ml/week to 5ml per day after reading something about it in George Farmers book and coincidentally I've ordered and fitted the 1000lph powerhead in place of the 600.

The area of short sword has not thrived since I planted it nd it is now coated in algae so after asking for advice I'm removing it and will add some Crypts to this area, I think with another stone with some moss glued on. Speaking of which while I was away I'd ordered some more plants, so additional vallis went in more Java moss, a rectangle of Christmas moss and some red Buce - below, Fresh Java fern on order...
View attachment Mesh moss.JPG
I wanted to enhance the focal point of the two vertical pieces of wood so ordered some Bucephalandra red with the idea this would make impact. I tried super glue gel for the first time, gluing the plants to pebbles before adding them to the tank; this has worked well although I can see the white of the glue here and there but a bit of time and growth should obscure it.
View attachment Red on wood.JPG
View attachment Red on rock.JPG
Decided to relocate where the frogbit is gathered by gluing two heather sticks to the top of the oak log; this works really well and I only stuck my fingers together twice
🙂 The frogbit is now where I want it.
View attachment Frobit dam 2.JPG
View attachment Frogbit dam.JPG
So hoping that more tidying up and water changes, adding some more plants and encouraging the ones that are already there will give the plants the edge over the algae. Wish me luck!