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Journal First attempt at a Wabi Kusa

Great thread Matt, following with interest.
Thanks Tim,

Will post pics shortly of the planted wabi which I have just rolled in the potting soil by accident

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Great stuff.I've so got to do some soon 🙂.
Thanks Nelson, you should go for it!
I think the hard part will be the next stage, i will post about my setup shortly to see what people think. Roy has been very helpful with this emersed propagating and a great inspiration with his WK's

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Hi Matt, Just keep the soil damp and mist spray remember if you put a lid on or film leave a air gap to help prevent mold

Be careful putting plants or W-K on the window sill in direct sun light. I have cooked some W-K this way 🙁
Just to update.

I have taken the 2 DIY propagators off the window. Going to share the light from my 160L tank with it and swap it over in the evenings. It is an LED. I was thinking of running it from say 12pm midnight till around 18:00 when i return from work.

The one on the left i have cut holes in the lid for air and the cling film on the right hand one is very loose.

Here it is.

Right hand propagator:
AR mini
Heteranthera zosterifolia
Staurogyne Repens and a small piece of wood for my wabi bowl experimenting with some moss.

Left hand one:
Lobelia cardinalis
Pogostemon stellatus
Didiplis diandra
Hygrophila araguaia
Ludwigia 'mini super red'
And my 2nd wabi ball.

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2nd wabi ball!

I held back a bit on the planting with this one but hoping it will thicken out.

Unfortunately I accidentally rolled it over and on the potting soil but here it is.



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Seem to be doing ok.

Pogostemon stellatus appears to have revived itself after melting away in the sun last week. Had to move Wabi #1 into larger container as it had reached the cling film in previous bowl.

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Hi Matt, Looking good nice growth. Glad the pog recovered 🙂
Thanks Roy,

The Didiplis diandra which had pretty much burnt to a crisp also appears to be shooting up some new growth.

How much longer would you say until I can start to put Wabi #1 out in the open?

Also has anyone had experience attaching Ludwigia mini super red to wood or rocks?

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Hi Matt , Great the Didiplis pulled through too.

Every house room is different I started to acclimatize some W-K plants a couple of weeks ago. Opened the lid to the tank a little more each day for a week.
all is going well.There out in the open now a couple of leaves wilted and died back but the new growth look ok. I mist spray them each day.

With the Lud you can. I have grown Hygrophila Araguaia on a bed of moss on wood. The wood had crushed up Miracle-Gro rubbed on it first.
Just thought I would send a pic of where I am getting my sphagnum moss from.
My Garden. Inspiring! For me anyway.


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Hi Matt,Great :woot: Looking at Mother Nature always inspires me too. 🙄
I had a go at that piece of wood which you had mentioned in an earlier post.

Overnight it appears to have not worked and the plants have melted.

I started by pushing as much aqua soil as i could into some small holes and then sprayed them. I then planted some Pogostemon Stellatus, hygrophila araguaia and some lobelia cardinalis into said holes. Carried on by tying and pushing some moss onto it.
I then placed it in with my propagator plants. I will post some pictures below.

I think that I may need to sit this in an individual bowl and sit it in water?

Sorry for the bad pictures.




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Hi Matt, The DW will need soaking in water for a couple of weeks then plant it up and keep it in a plastic bag until the plants root in and take hold. Then you can slowly adapt the plants to living out side the bag.
Thanks Roy, I will place it in my tank for now

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Hello to everyone and an update for you!

Any comments/replies very welcome by the way good or bad.

So I have been away for a week and entrusted my good freind and neighbour to take care of fish and plants whilst away. I had set the light on my propogators for 12hrs and asking him to mist once a day.
Anyway lets get to the good stuff..

Pictures from 20 days ago...

And today in same order.



Going well but need to now acclimatise the wabi balls in my glass which reminds me. 2nd wabi ball growth.


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Thanks Roy!

And thanks Nelson!

Have either of you got any pointers for acclimating this.. my first WK in chosen glass...

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