It's interesting cause I spoke to some of the ADA staff whether to pick the model 600 or 1200 for my 90P, and they told me to go for the 600, saying 1200 is too much flow for a 180L - knowing they could've sold me on a more expensive filter. If you look at the ADA gallery ES-600 is all they use on their 90p setups.
Not so strange if the strategy is that the majority of nutrition is located in the soil (Amazonia saves the need for water column distribution, except for replenishment of potassium and steady micros) and lower surface agitation (which leads to a more dependable level of dissolved Co2). Principally ADA’s system, eloquently removing all components that are likely to be variable.
They differ on their advice for the H series of aquariums as they have a higher volume of water to the amount of surface area for gas exchange I would imagine.
Just a couple of musings. They sell a system that’s been thoroughly worked out.
Their filters are more art than filter. Those welds in that material are no joke.