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Filter floss layer in substrate


22 Jun 2024
Hi, just wondering if any of you think this is a stupid idea or not? I will be setting up a new 5ft tank in the near future that will be heavily planted with plenty of wood and rocks. I was thinking a bottom layer of aqua soil then laying a sheet of filter floss over that before capping with sand. Would have thought the floss would act as a great anchor for the plants roots and give a little protection to the aquarium from the heavy rocks, but don't know if the floss in the substrate would cause any issues other than if I wanted to uproot plants. Opinions and advice very much appreciated
Personally I wouldn’t do it. One reason being moving plants. Once the roots are anchored in the floss, moving it will upset everything else. I’m also not sure about keeping it clean. I can se it getting cloggged over time with no easy way to clean it.
Personally I wouldn’t do it. One reason being moving plants. Once the roots are anchored in the floss, moving it will upset everything else. I’m also not sure about keeping it clean. I can se it getting cloggged over time with no easy way to clean it.
I agree with @hypnogogia. I would also see this start to rot over time.
I wouldnt do it either. I’m picturing plants being pulled out with their roots entangled in filter floss threads. Floss is good for running water through but it is just a mat of fine threads and i wouldnt want to be putting stuff in it and pulling stuff out of it.