Carbon is fairly unnecessary in my opinion, and even takes away some potentially valuable chemicals in the tank.
First of all, carbon is only truly useful for about a day or two. After that, it has become saturated and really doesn't take up much more. In fact, the bonds between what is adsorbed by the carbon and the carbon itself are reversible, and the potential exists for the adsorbants to be releases back into the tank. So, to really get get the most out of carbon, you have to change it every few days or so.
Secondly, carbon does adsorb a class of compounds called DOCs (dissolved organic compounds, tannins is a very good example). DOCs can actually be quite useful in a fish tank -- DOCs bind to heavy metals, making the heavy metals much less toxic than in their original form. If the carbon is taking away those DOCs, then the metals could be free in your tank. Part of this issue is that the levels of metal toxicity in water for humans can be as much as 1000 times higher than the level of metal toxicity for fish. I.e. copper is not toxic to humans until well back the concentration where the average person can taste copper in the water. But, at that point, the concentration of copper is already many, many times the level of toxicity for a lot of fish. The water companies aren't regulating their water to be safe for fish, they are regulating their water to be safe for humans. If your tank has DOCs in it (some come from the fish themselves, more come from live plants if you have them), the DOCs can bind with copper making the copper much less toxic.
Many water conditioners do bind up with heavy metals, too. But, there is this extra level of protection that activated carbon will take from the water. I think it is a good idea to leave that extra level of protection alone.
I personally only use carbon after a course of medications. The carbon is very good about getting medications out of the water. Then, I throw the carbon away (again, it can release chemicals back into the tank!). And, I too have crystal clear water. Good maintenance and water changes accomplish that more than anything. Carbon is just something extra the manufacturers want you to buy once a week or once a month. It isn't necessary, and has limited benefits in my opinion.