Hi Mr. Michael… well 1ppm N you mean 1ppm N03 or 1ppm N (4,42NO3)? In 2 weeks is 14 days (0,32ppm daily mean if NO3) right?… I dont get the K ratio in your case though, it is from Marchner ratios?
Why major formulas have so much K in them so…? If K could compete with intake of other cations and ions, does they do this high loads of K in their formulas because they want to “suppress” chemically other things that may be present in user water or may be accumulate in the mid or long run in a small system like aquariuns (metals, etc)? This makes any sense?… Because I really don’t found a technical and sound enough explanation in these planted tanks foruns about why these K “excess” in formulas and regimes (in the hobby, or in hydroponics, etc.). ADA for example is “lean” but also delivers a sucker punch of K in the system. So if this will start heightening in the water saturation/TDS for example… this is not much of contribution to a more comercial-user-friendly maintenance routine, right (more water changes)? Just thinking out loud. Ignore my ignorance and be constructive, plse.
Thank you guys… well. I didn’t find any evidence of why comercial aquatic plants fertilizers use so much K and this could be a thread I think…. maybe this thread already exist (sorry new to this things). I noticed hydroponics fertilizers for example have a very high load of K in their formulations… but at the same time hydroponics systems 99,9% times waste a lot of water (drain to waste, of dump the solution and mix new batch that run trough the system… more water eficient systems like Deep Water Recirculation Systems (i have one in the backyard by the way) and Flood and Drain systems (like tropica nurseries and dennerlee) use much less water but have to be very precise and careful to not charge the water too much with salinity and TDS…. so to summarize one system have a management viewpoint where drain to waste and change water is normal and the other is necessary “at some delayed point in time”.
So… maybe the aquarium formulations are, in general more contaminated by the drain to wast management view point than a more conservative water saturation view point (?) BTW @dw1305 @_Maq_