General update:
This tank has already evolved beyond anything I'd imagined. And it hasn't event got any fish in it yet. In a fit of noob-enthusiasm I am now the proud possessor of what is possibly a lifetime supply of EDDHA chelated iron (that's the one that copes with hard water, if you're trying to remember which set of initials is which). Various wiser heads have intimated that it's highly likely to be unnecessary given my low-tech approach, but I haven't done any chemistry since I left school and I couldn't resist.
The snails have had babies, and my population has doubled overnight to around 12, which is, I think, a good thing. Shrimp are settling in nicely. I never see more than 6 at a time, but there are in particular these three females who have favourite resting places - one sits on an Anubias leaf, one on a Hygrophila, and one on the flat stone in the middle. They spend a lot of time sitting around laughing at the frantic antics of the males. I cubed, blanched and froze a
courgette large courgette marrow from the garden, which gives me a year's supply of rather bland shrimp food. I tried one cube dangled on a thread for a few hours, and it got a few nibbles, but I wouldn't call it a ringing endorsement. I think I'll go and wrestle with the nettle patch at the end of the garden.
I'm also thinking of turning my flow down a bit. Whilst it's great to know that I'm getting nutrients to all corners of the tank, the addition of the mountain range on the right has created a mill race that reminds me a bit of those underwater videos of the corryvreckan whirlpool. Every now and then a hapless shrimp ventures too close to the spray bar and gets tossed helplessly over the mountrain range, down the front of the tank, and wooshed along to the left, before regaining control and pretending, catlike, that the move had been intended all along.
Courtesy of @ the pond lettuce has been joined by Amazon frogbit, which is looking very happy.
With regard to Fluval Biological Aquarium cleaner'
I suspect that Fluval don't know either, but I'm willing to bet it is a cheap product that <"
magically increases in price"> when you bottle it.
That made me laugh! I'll put it at the back of the cupboard, and then bring it out occasionally and marvel at the power of marketing.
With regard to fish choice,
There’s a useful compatibility chart here:
Red Cherry Shrimp ~ 1-2cm SPECIAL OFFER
Thank you! I have bookmarked that along with a couple of other intersecting charts. I'm compiling an unnecessarily large spreadsheet of fish, and Cherry-friendly is now a column in that spreadsheet. Other columns include temperature, minimum number and water hardness. There's a lot of interesting debate about keeping soft water fish in hard water, and there are good arguments for why you don't need to worry too much about hardness, but in the end I've decided to only look at fish who are happy with >=268ppm, which is a little lower than my water (~290ppm) but not by too much. That rules out a ton of fish I really fancied (Harlequin Rasbora, Otos, German Blue Rams, etc) but I stil have a shortlist of 44 who can cope with harder water, will be reasonably low risk with neocaridina, not nip fins, and generally rub along well together. I shall continue to research...