I'm not going to argue with you guys anymore as I have better things to do and I come on here for planted tank discussion.
Sure thing.... but I must kindly remind you that you sort of started it - and ecology (which is greatly impacted by climate) is an integral part of what we deal with on this forum. Moreover, this is in the off-topic / Chit-chat section... so there is that.
as I have better things to do
And yet you keep piling on with commentary and "questions" that, if left unanswered, could lead some readers to believe that some of us think you're somehow correct.
Science is constantly evolving and nothing is a cold hard fact guys.
Yes, science is evolving... yet, many things in science can be described as cold hard facts:
"Objective data that is irrefutably true and removed from any emotional bias."
We once thought it was a fact the world was flat.
A complete straw man argument that suggest that our understanding of climate science equate the times when people thought the earth was flat.
I bet scientists said the Bohr Model was a cold hard fact too until modern wave theory was brought to light.
Wrong. The Bohr Model could only account for the Hydrogen atom and everyone knew, including Bohr, that there was way more to it, but it was nevertheless a great leap - albeit very transitional - in the progress that eventually lead to the modern quantum field theory.
Furthermore, any counterscience into anything else climate change related is actively slandered, defunded, discredited, and shut down by the left with the assistance of their paid off mainstream media while thousands and thousands of studies are being funded into the the theories they already think and want to be right(all while advising their friends to invest in the tech the transition will push).
That sounds like my relatives and friends (on both sides of the political spectrum) that only watches and digest news and information that affirm their beliefs. I personally haven't seen any credible evidence in support of any of this... Perhaps thats how it works in Canada, but we (still) have great academic freedom and diversity in the United States, contrary to what some - less than reputable media outlets - on both sides, wants you to believe.
Do you see that you are paying more for fuel and groceries right now largely because of the very Climate policies you praise
I must have overlooked that, but I didn't notice anyone
praising any climate policies?
You guys do realize that we have been through several ice ages already and there was a rise in CO2 before each one right?
Sure thing, but this is not one of them. For starters, study the science obtained from the ice core data and the conclusions that we are dealing with something exceptionally
unusual here thats been evolving since the beginning of the industrial revolution in the 18th hundred - and its global warming by the way...
You do realize that the sun will explode one day just like every other star and destroy our solar system?
No, it won't. The sun is a G class main sequence star that will expand tremendously (becoming a red giant consuming the innermost plants - including earth) as it runs out of hydrogen and eventually shrink back and spend the rest of its life as a white dwarf. No explosion, sorry - the sun just isn't massive enough to become a supernova.
You do realize that humans are no more significant then a flea on a dogs ass in the grand scheme of the universe right?
Thats a matter of perspective and beliefs - and completely irrelevant.
Do you see our errogance?
Yes, arrogance and ignorance.
Do you like to suffer and watch others suffer?
Not in particular.
How long until something not climate change related makes us extinct?
No one knows, but nuclear war, a truly devastating pandemic or a so-called Planet Killer astroid could happen before.
Do you think there are enough rare earth minerals without China's supply?
Yes there are, but it's tremendously easier and cheaper to mine in China at this point.
Do you think we can generate enough energy sans oil and gas without causing similar or other destructive consequences?
Yes eventually. Fusion energy, an exponential increase in the efficiency of photovoltaic (possibly similar to what we have seen with packing of transistors -- see Moore's Law) and an exponential increase in the efficiency of battery technology comes to mind.
Do you not think human population is a problem and that we are exempt from the population control we impose on many species of animals?
As peoples standard of living in terms of health, education and opportunities increases population growth will become less of a problem. Its already happening.
Do you not think some countries will still continue to use oil & gas and people will emigrate to them for the better quality of life?
Same to you.