Hi all,
Some plants will begin to show magnesium deficiency symptoms when the Ca++:Mg++ gets near ~30:1, so you aren't far short of that. Adding some more magnesium doesn't really have any down-side.
Even the 127 mg L-1 of calcium quoted isn't really the whole story, it is just reflects the amount of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) that will go into solution in equilibrium with 400ppm of atmospheric CO2. <"My tap water"> would have a very similar value, in fact all water from limestone aquifers will have similar values, and will have a huge reserve of <"carbonate buffering"> as well.
cheers Darrel
You probably still need to add some magnesium, it isn't only the total amount in the water that is important, it is too do with the amount of calcium (Ca++) ions as well.From my reading around recently dont think I really need to add that much MgSO4 if any !!!
Some plants will begin to show magnesium deficiency symptoms when the Ca++:Mg++ gets near ~30:1, so you aren't far short of that. Adding some more magnesium doesn't really have any down-side.
Even the 127 mg L-1 of calcium quoted isn't really the whole story, it is just reflects the amount of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) that will go into solution in equilibrium with 400ppm of atmospheric CO2. <"My tap water"> would have a very similar value, in fact all water from limestone aquifers will have similar values, and will have a huge reserve of <"carbonate buffering"> as well.
cheers Darrel