Hi all,
cheers Darrel
Yes it is fine.Distilled Malt Vinegar any good
cheers Darrel
Yes it is fine.Distilled Malt Vinegar any good
I've still got some APF macros and micros mixed up so I have just made a mix using them and adding in the ascorbic acid and potassium sorbate.why don't you give the recipe of James planted tank a shot based on the Tropica TPN+ Recipe number 3
I've not had an aquarium running for a little while now so I haven't had long enough to really experiment with them.It’s been a few months so how are you getting on with this Andrew?
Quick edit to the above. It seems that's an old composition. The current on is:
Chelate-EDTA : MgO 7.00%, Fe 1.80%, Mn 1.80% Cu 1.90%, Zn 1.70%, B 1.70% Mo 0.01%