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Eheim Professional 3 Thermo Heater Issue


31 Mar 2008
Planet Earth
Just been having an issue with the adjustment button below the LED Temperature Display on this Eheim Professional 3 Filter.

Normally to adjust the temperatures you press and hold down the button, you usually hear it click at this point. Then the display starts flashing, each push and click then adjusts the temperature upwards.

At the moment I am pressing and holding down the button, but not hearing the click, and there is no display flashing.

Anyone else had this problem and is there a fix for it. Or is it just a case of I'll have to buy a new canister for it.

I had a similar experience with a 1200xlt, the led display stopped working, an eheim spares guy (don't remember the name) offered to replace the head unit but like you say this was at a high price.
Hi all,
It is no option other than to buy a complete new canister for this filter.
I had a similar experience with a 1200xlt, the led display stopped working, an eheim spares guy (don't remember the name) offered to replace the head unit but like you say this was at a high price.
It is an absolute disgrace. This is one of the reasons why I don't like integrated electronic gizmos on filters.

cheers Darrel
Hi all,

It is an absolute disgrace. This is one of the reasons why I don't like integrated electronic gizmos on filters.

cheers Darrel
They are bringing out a WiFi controlled Automatic Feeder.
If the reviews for WiFi Controller on the Eheim Light unit is anything to go by, what could possibly go wrong.

According to my sources, sales of Eheim products are plummeting.
According to my sources, sales of Eheim products are plummeting.
I'm not surprised. They built up a great reputation over many years. But it doesn't take long to lose that sort of reputation if you let the design, quality and/or customer service go downhill. And it's not easy to rebuild a reputation once you've lost it.
They need to get their act together before it's too late.
I'm not surprised. They built up a great reputation over many years. But it doesn't take long to lose that sort of reputation if you let the design, quality and/or customer service go downhill. And it's not easy to rebuild a reputation once you've lost it.
They need to get their act together before it's too late.
Apparently their prices are pricing them out of the market. Their share in the market has bottomed.
That won't help. 🙂
If they were still the best filters on the market and would last a lifetime, they might get away with high prices. Not any more.
It wouldn't be so bad if they offered a lifetime guarantee with their products, at least that could justify the high prices.
Just been having an issue with the adjustment button below the LED Temperature Display on this Eheim Professional 3 Filter.

Normally to adjust the temperatures you press and hold down the button, you usually hear it click at this point. Then the display starts flashing, each push and click then adjusts the temperature upwards.

At the moment I am pressing and holding down the button, but not hearing the click, and there is no display flashing.

Anyone else had this problem and is there a fix for it. Or is it just a case of I'll have to buy a new canister for it.

I have one new eheim pro 31200xlt, when I press "SET" button I feel the "click" it a "mechanical" thing, is not and electronic sound of a "click".
You don't fell the "click" at all or you don't fell it?
Mine is new, and I don't want it broken right now. How long you have your filter?

I have one new eheim pro 31200xlt, when I press "SET" button I feel the "click" it a "mechanical" thing, is not and electronic sound of a "click".
You don't fell the "click" at all or you don't fell it?
Mine is new, and I don't want it broken right now. How long you have your filter?

I don't feel the 'click' . The button you press is permanently depressed. Even if it pops out and I press it, there is no click.

It is possible that one day I pressed it too hard and now it is faulty. The heater is working, you just can't adjust it.