Well it's been a month since the last updates. A major trim is needed and I started this morning on the E.tennellus on the left side. It was so big and out of hand that you couldn't see much of the
Anubias behind it. So I've reduced the amount drastically and removed all the runners that were going everywhere. To do this I had to remove all the bits of wood from the left corner and then replace them afterwards. I've also removed the
Eleocharis vivipara and replaced it with some more
Hygrophila lacustris as the hairgrass was too much hassle. It's now in my Apisto tank.
I'm liking the more open look now.
I've still got to tackle the moss on the branches and the glossostigma and there are a few branches of
Cabomba still to trim too. I'm also going to tackle the right hand side and remove the unknown plant at the front (I think it's a Bacopa of some sort) and trim some of the
Hygrophila sp.'Pantanal'. Here's what it looks like now;
I've also managed to snap a couple of pictures of the shrimp which are now breeding well and I've babies appearing. There's also another carrying eggs too so it seems I've finally got some shrimp I don't kill!!!
This is a young one not showing much colour,
And this is a female that carried the first lot of eggs.
Let me know what you think guys. I'm liking the way most of it is growing in, but it really needs that trim on the moss and glosso!