2 Month update.
Hi all!
Been a while since I last updated the thread as have been pretty busy!
Anyway, have been having some problems with Thread Algae, and through some discussion on various threads on here it was suggested that the cause could be down to poor flow, which is something I had never considered. This is because when I first set up the tank, I made sure the filter was the appropriate size for the tank, however with the External CO2 reactor, this flow rate was cut by at least half, therefore leaving me with insufficient flow!
So, bought another filter, a Rena XP4 which does 1700lph. This is now connected through the AM1000 and it is working very well. The reactor has been moved inside the cabinet and because its so close to the filter and the filter is much more powerful, there is no gas build up in the reactor which is fantastic!!! The XP3 has been moved to the right hand side of the tank and has been connected to a lush set of Lily Pipes which I bought on ebay from Hong Kong. Looks miles better than the horrid intake of the Rena XP's.
New Setup

A bad picture of the lily pipe

The Hairgrass is coming along but does not respond well to being trimmed. Thread algae often attaches itself to the weaker trimmed plants, so will just leave it now because at the back where I haven't trimmed as much, the Hairgrass looks much healthier and thicker.
LED strips have also been placed on the left hand side of the tank. The wood was blocking the light and the plants looked very weak, but have since picked up dramatically since the LED's have been moved there.
Time for some Tank Shots..

Full Tank Shot=

Hi all!
Been a while since I last updated the thread as have been pretty busy!
Anyway, have been having some problems with Thread Algae, and through some discussion on various threads on here it was suggested that the cause could be down to poor flow, which is something I had never considered. This is because when I first set up the tank, I made sure the filter was the appropriate size for the tank, however with the External CO2 reactor, this flow rate was cut by at least half, therefore leaving me with insufficient flow!
So, bought another filter, a Rena XP4 which does 1700lph. This is now connected through the AM1000 and it is working very well. The reactor has been moved inside the cabinet and because its so close to the filter and the filter is much more powerful, there is no gas build up in the reactor which is fantastic!!! The XP3 has been moved to the right hand side of the tank and has been connected to a lush set of Lily Pipes which I bought on ebay from Hong Kong. Looks miles better than the horrid intake of the Rena XP's.
New Setup

A bad picture of the lily pipe

The Hairgrass is coming along but does not respond well to being trimmed. Thread algae often attaches itself to the weaker trimmed plants, so will just leave it now because at the back where I haven't trimmed as much, the Hairgrass looks much healthier and thicker.
LED strips have also been placed on the left hand side of the tank. The wood was blocking the light and the plants looked very weak, but have since picked up dramatically since the LED's have been moved there.
Time for some Tank Shots..

Full Tank Shot=