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Dyeing cat litter

Most clothing dyes are made from synthetic materials and as such are likely to be highly poisonous! Certainly I wouldn't entertain using them for dyeing cat litter for substrate unless I knew for sure that it was harmless!

Many textile manufacturers use dyes that release aromatic amines (e.g., benzidine,
toluidine). Dyebath effluents may contain heavy metals, ammonia, alkalai salts, toxic
solids and large amounts of pigments - many of which are toxic. About 40 percent of
globally used colorants contain organically bound chlorine, a known carcinogen.
Natural dyes are rarely low-impact, depending on the specific dye and mordant used.
Mordants (the substance used to "fix" the color onto the fabric) such as chromium are
very toxic and high impact.

Taken from http://www.oecotextiles.com/PDF/textile_industry_hazards.pdf

It is possible to make dyes out of natural materials, but these are not guaranteed to be safe for fish.

One this that is sure, the fabric dying industry is one of the most environmentally polluting there is 🙁
Certainly would not recommend this, other than cost reasons surely there are a multitude of substrates available out there, not sure why you would go to this bother.
Crikey, you guys panic to much - its just needs a bit of revision!
I am not being foolhardy, I live on a small island where specialist products are not available, I cant walk or drive to the nearest store & buy aquarium soil substrates because we don't have stores that sell substrates!
I like the idea of the porous nature that baked clay offers but, I dont like the colour so I have decided to look into the possibilities of dying the cat litter - when I have finished my revision I will be experimenting but I am hardly likely to fill my tank with something I am not confident will work ......
You did ask for peoples opinions.

No dye on such an absorbent substance such as kitty litter (thats why it sells because its absorbent) is going to be permanent under water.
I have to say, "why even bother' ? I am biased having tried a cheapo solution to my substrate and it failed, but my situation is case in point. The effort of dying something and the worry of not knowing the end result would send me over the edge after my cat litter debacle ! I think it is too much risk personally. Just use something the right colour in the first place 😉
Yeah, I agree with the others, it's pretty risky. If you really wanna go through with it you could try and get some organic powdered dye.
Still more negative replies!!
Well with the help & encouragement from other sources! I have carried out several experiments.
The most natural approach I have tried is 100% organic but, unfortunately only produces a dark grey colour rather than black.
I like the idea foxfish. having read some of or your other projects I know you wont just sling it together and hope for the best. I think the why bother attitude is a bad one. the human race would get no were if the attitude was always "lets just go down the shop and buy it". I'm not sure if there is anything safe out there, but i definitely think its worth a look and quite interesting. Could opens up possibility for skint scapers if you find some thing. I'm looking foreword to good luck mate.
When i say it's pretty risky i mean i personally would not do it. But as danmil3s says, your other projects show that you will do a good job and if you wanna go for it then give it a try!
foxfish said:
Still more negative replies!!
Well with the help & encouragement from other sources! I have carried out several experiments.
The most natural approach I have tried is 100% organic but, unfortunately only produces a dark grey colour rather than black.

Did you just want "Yes Men" then, LOL. The point of asking opinions is to get what people think isn't it ? But hey if you have found a solution that you think will work, all power to you. I will be interested to see the results 🙂
O ye of little faith…I doubt very much that foxfish would enter in to any endeavor without considering the pitfalls and the benefits. Sounds like a very interesting project, I for one would love to be kept informed of progress.

Just think of the commercial possibilities should it become a success; not just for aquariums but also cature :lol: litter, the possibilities are endless…pink, purple, you name it… :idea:
danmil3s said:
I like the idea foxfish. having read some of or your other projects I know you wont just sling it together and hope for the best. I think the why bother attitude is a bad one. the human race would get no were if the attitude was always "lets just go down the shop and buy it". I'm not sure if there is anything safe out there, but i definitely think its worth a look and quite interesting. Could opens up possibility for skint scapers if you find some thing. I'm looking foreword to good luck mate.

I dont think I have a bad attitude, and I am entitled to my opinion just the same as anyone, without being criticised. And you have miscontextualised what I meant. I just meant for all the time and effort to do something that could prove a time consuming and risky endeavour, why do it ? I would rather spend my time doing something else to do with my hobby. It has nothing to do with "lets just go down the shop and buy it" because some things, you just HAVE to "go down the shop and buy". It could equally be argued that trying something like this is irresponsible, as there are live animals potentially at risk if the experiment goes wrong. (Although I have every confidence that foxfish would endeavour to ensure this did not happen). So seriously mate, if you disagree with someone's opinion, try not accusing them of having a bad attitude just because it differs to your own opinion.

NUFF SAID, have a good Christmas 🙂
sorry if it sounded like i was having a go at you Antipofish i didn't mean to come across that way, wasn't having a go at anyone. I'm just interested in experimentation, especially when i know its being carried out by a competent person.I'll try and continue this when I'm not 6 pints down, merry Christmas. 🙂