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Dutch wanna be 1.8 meter 473 liter Renamed "THE MORASS"


7 Oct 2014
Please excuse the picture quality I cant use the tripod without moving the furniture.

I intended to do a dutch planted,but I added the rock and wood for the time being its harder then i thought to plant a tank of this size.
Nothing exotic Giant Rotala and a Lace plant are the features .
Added the Lace tonight and attached java fern to the log.
*Co2 injected with a reactor.
* UV light with pump
*water fan
*2 canister filters
*110 watt t5 ho with a 650nm bulb and a 6500k
* 10 k Vertex Illumilux Marino Sole LED Strip



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Most important will be co2 distribution and flow rate. Especially when a tank that size gets fully grown. If it were me I'd be thinking about that now as plants can grow really fast. I see a power head there as well as the canisters and another IF so theirs hope 😉

Looks great so far!

Love the shoal of widows ( if that what they are)
Thanks. I have a 5 foot spray that's ready to be installed .
So far co2 is good ive ad more of an issue with GDA but Ive reduced lighting by 15% so i hope thats in control.
I used to have a 2m tank. Turned it into a reef was fantastic. But would have loved to turn it into an Amazon planted aquarium... Down to a 150lt for now.
Sweet! I also used to have 2 x 3' tanks like that. It's fun haveing them stacked for sure...
Photos coming soon tommorow after the water clears.
I just added micro sword for the carpet ,added a few bunches of Ludwiga Repens and in haste chopped my giant Rotala thought it was rotting turns out that its normal to lose the bottom leaves.
Removed my 10k led and put in another fixture i had laying around 2x40w t8 rosette lights.
I also removed all rocks (fossilized wood sniff!) to improve water flow

Sweet! I also used to have 2 x 3' tanks like that. It's fun having them stacked for sure...
in the plans is a 12 foot oak stand 12" lower then standard so i can reach the bottom.. right now the double Decker stand makes it hard to work on the tanks.
Fixed my lighting tonight added metal halides that have been waiting for my new bulbs. Installed 2x8k and a 6k all 150w
i have to share the video to show the pearling excuse the quality.
Was it picking up your filter/ pump/ canisters? Lovely tank, good to see your plants so happy! There will be big demand for nutrients with that kind of production going on under 150W MH how will you keep up with co2 (distribution & flow)
when your tank gets denser in growth?
I have been doing 50 % water changes weekly thankfully i have very hard water and its high in phosphate etc i dose daily with micro and iron .
I current run at 30ppms with a dedicated filter and reactor. I'm going to be adding two 100lbs co2 tanks with four outlets 2 for each of my 125 gallon tanks.
Im hoping itll work.
heres what i have as my co2 distribution (beside my primary filters and pumps)


Good luck with those reactors as they don't get the best reviews! .... Restrictive flow, high flow pumps required, brittle plastic & noisy!!
The design is sound if only they were twice the size had bigger fittings & no impeller, then they would be they best reactor around 🙂
If you can get the 20" tall version of my reactor design then that might be a better way to go (link in my signature)
One month later.(again sorry for the image quailty)
Lost most of my Rotala Macrandra just have a couple stems left im hoping they hold out.
I added micro sword grass and a couple other easy common plants .
Removed the led light added a spray bar and repositioned my fans. Aside from a lot of protein in the water no real problems and had little to manage in regards to the algae hopefully another month and it will clear up.
Lessons learned ..... plant heavily from the start and setup the flow front to back.
last month
