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Dutch wanna be 1.8 meter 473 liter Renamed "THE MORASS"

I have that reactor. Main problems are leaking... the hose connectors are 12/16mm with adapters for 16/22mm. The adapters leak. The bottom unscrews for cleaning but the O-ring is real crap and doesn't fit back properly, so it leaks also. I have had to use a HIGHER bubble rate than with an Up Intense inline diffuser, so I switched back to the inline. I really like the idea of a reactor, but it just doesn't seem to work well for me.
I have that reactor. Main problems are leaking... the hose connectors are 12/16mm with adapters for 16/22mm. The adapters leak. The bottom unscrews for cleaning but the O-ring is real crap and doesn't fit back properly, so it leaks also. I have had to use a HIGHER bubble rate than with an Up Intense inline diffuser, so I switched back to the inline. I really like the idea of a reactor, but it just doesn't seem to work well for me.
I have 4 now and all in storage ,I found with my ultra hard water that it was better for co2 absorption to use Excel and 15 ppm pressured co2 which i let the intake of the filter manage.
I have used pretty much the same reactor, but branded for TMC, I have one working on a 700 litre, but i have used others that leaked and this one has PTFE tape wrapped between the connections...not great on that score. It works fine otherwise, I dont find it particularly noisy, that does happen when there is too much air in the reactor. Still I much prefer the SERA reactor, which is also fairly cheap, but better made. I would encourage the use of hose clips where possible.

SERA reactor: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Sera-7000281-Flore-Active-Reactor/dp/B0033GDCVC
Well made a few changes.
I went with a frosted background and the substrate is capped with soil .
I also added a few more species of plants and fish.
I have close to a hundred Tetras and Cory's and a few oddballs 🙂