I will likely not trim anything etc in this tank for another 5-6 days. The tornado is going nuts as are most of the back ground plants, the red pant is doing very well ATM, not sure why.
Tends to grow a bit paler in the middle stages and then reddens as it tops the surface.
I could trim a few rows and make it so you can see the A. reineckii mini, trim the Tonina a bit, wait another 2 days, trim the red pant, trim some of the front Downoi, clean up some etc.
But.......I'll wait and let it over flow.
Some whiners have asked for it.
Tank shall be quite overgrown.
Added more CO2 and ferts to keep up with things.
NO3 drops fast, so I've already spotting BGA in the tops of the Tornado, which I only see if the NO3 drops too much.
A day or two later, the BGA is gone after dosing KNO3.
So I've gone from what I thought would be non limiting at 30 ppm of NO3 from KNO3, not to mention good heavy feeding of the fish, likely adds at least 10 ppm a week, to adding another 15 ppm NO3 dose. So about 50-60ppm a week. That's a lot, but.the CO2 is high, the light is very high also and the tank is packed with a lot of stem plants and is a very shallow wide tank.