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Does the charcoal in my filter take the fertiliser out of the water?

argh - just taken the carbon out of my new shrimp tank - mind you that because its a new tank , the inbuilt filter (trickle) is rubbish - as soon as the sponge gets a bit blocked ,it throws all the water over the side :arghh:- so had to quickly make ahome made filter to stop it happening - all I have read though indicates that carbon helps with shrimp ......
now if anyone has any ideas how to get it into my nano tank .....[DOUBLEPOST=1396867829][/DOUBLEPOST]yea I have read that carbon is good wiith shrimps as they are so sensitive to copper etc - I dont bother so much with my lage tank - though may bung some in after reading some of the posts on here!

grrr - had to take the carbon out of my new shrimp tank as the trickle filter decides to empty the tank onto to the floor is the filters are the slightest bit blocked ,😡so had to cobble together a homemade filter as it has only just matured! Now just have to think how to get the carbon back into the filer without that happening (it wasn't the carbon that blocked it , but as the filter pads are ready made complete with a fine polisher - it was that that blocked - and when I tore that off the carbon came out too!!! grrr)..:rage:
so any ideas would be appreciated!!!!
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Hi all,
the inbuilt filter (trickle) is rubbish....so any ideas would be appreciated!!!!
Put a sponge on the intake (The "Fluval Edge" one should fit, it is "RC Hagen A1387 Fluval Edge Pre-Filter Sponge"), and then put a layer of ceramic rings in the over-tank trickle box, that way you will never get a flood, and the problem is solved.

cheers Darrel
oh thank you thank you ,was nearly reduced to girly tears !! (and Im far too old for that!!! - and yes no shrimps sucked in either!!!