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Does depleted KH stop the nitrogen cycle?

I would still be interested to understand the difference between initially cycling at a 7PH level and a 4PH level, and how a low PH cycle differs in time to establishment. I can’t seem to find how fast these newly discovered acidic growing bacteria establish.

But maybe that is for a different thread and a different day!!
Hi all,
does the Nitrifying bacteria which is happy to form in very acidic water take longer to produce and therefore make a cycle impracticable (months more than weeks) in the home Aquarium hobby?
It definitely isn't impractical in real time, it is what many of us do. It is the question we don't have a direct answer to, but I'd be very surprised if after 6 weeks of growing in if a tank wasn't "cycled", where ever you've started from.

I actually think that <"Secret Ingredient Soup"> is a viable commercial option, and wouldn't be at all surprised if some-one goes down that route.

If you had an aquarium without plants it would take longer, but I don't know the time-scale. This is for marine aquariums (so high dKH), but I'm guessing that it is pretty close to the situation for non-planted freshwater aquariums <"Tim Hovanec's "Nitrification in marine aquarium" article">.

I think the issue there is the cycling concept as a <"binary switch"> from "unsafe" to "safe", rather than the time scale.

The best over view we have are probably Dr Ryan Newton's comments in <"Correspondence with Dr Ryan Newton - School of Freshwater Sciences, University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee"> (quoted below)
...... It is a good question to ask where the initial inoculum of nitrifiers comes from & it is a question that I do not have a definitive answer. Nitrifiers are present in many environments because they can live with comparably low external nutrients (carbon particularly). There are a couple of good possibilities, 1) the water - most municipal water systems contain some number of nitrifiers, which then come out of your residence tap; 2) the plants - nitrifiers are also commonly associated with plants. Or, it could be they drift in from the air - seems less likely, but it is not impossible.

If you do need to add nitrifiers the best source is from an aquaponics or aquaculture system that is already running and removing ammonia. Some water or sediment/soil or part of the biobilter (if there is one) is an excellent starter. Without this source as an inoculum then you could add some roots from plants from any other tank that is running - these are likely to have nitrifiers associated with them. A small clipping put into the tank would be enough.

In some lab tests we found that adding previous material from a running biofilter could reduce ammonia oxidation start-up time from 2-3 weeks to 2-3 days. We also tested a commercial product of nitrifiers & it did decrease the time to ammonia oxidation start-up. It was slower than our biofilter material transfer, but much quicker than doing nothing. However, the microbes present in the system from the commercial product disappeared over a few weeks and were replaced by those more common to our system. So, it seems some products could help “jump-start” the process, but it will be a lot less predictable and ultimately may not determine what microbe succeed in the long run.......
I think the questions now are:
That is an interesting question. It looks like COMAMMOX Nitrospira and Ammonia Oxidising Archaea (AOA) are pretty much universal in low ammonia situations, but that could be because,
  • they are very efficient at finding these resources, or
  • it could be because they've had a very long time (most of the last 3.5 billion years) to become universal or
  • a combination of both factors.
I don't know the answer to that one, again I'd guess it is a mixture of both factors, but I have no idea of the relative proportions of "found it" to "sat waiting".

cheers Darrel
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Hi all,
An additional option could be the <carbonic anhydrase> that could help the bacteria/archaea to produce bicarbonate from CO2 intracellularly with reasonable speed.
Brilliant, that is why we need proper scientists.

"Carbonic anhydrase", (which I wouldn't have known about without @hax47 post), and "comammox Nitrospira" as a search term takes us to: <"Comammox Nitrospira and Ammonia-Oxidizing Archaea Are Dominant Ammonia Oxidizers in Sediments of an Acid Mine Lake Containing High Ammonium Concentrations">
Li D, Ren Z, Zhou Y, Jiang L, Zheng M, Liu G. (2023) Comammox Nitrospira and Ammonia-Oxidizing Archaea Are Dominant Ammonia Oxidizers in Sediments of an Acid Mine Lake Containing High Ammonium Concentrations. Appl Environ Microbiol. 2023 Mar 29;89(3):e0004723. doi: 10.1128/aem.00047-23. Epub 2023 Mar 13. PMID: 36912626; PMCID: PMC10056971.
Which I think helps with @Bradders question.
..... The lake water was characterized by acidic pH below 5 with a high ammonium concentration of 175 mg-N/liter, which is rare on the earth. Nitrification was active in sediments with a maximum nitrate production potential of 70.5 μg-N/(g-dry weight [dw] day) for mixed sediments. Quantitative PCR assays determined that in AML sediments, comammox Nitrospira and AOA amoA genes had relative abundances of 52% and 41%, respectively, among the total amoA genes. Further assays with 16S rRNA and amoA gene amplicon sequencing and metagenomics confirmed their dominance and revealed that the comammox Nitrospira found in sediments belonged to comammox Nitrospira clade A.2. Metagenomic binning retrieved a metagenome-assembled genome (MAG) of the comammox Nitrospira from sediments (completeness = 96.76%), and phylogenomic analysis suggested that it was a novel comammox Nitrospira. Comparative genomic investigation revealed that this comammox Nitrospira contained diverse metal resistance genes and an acidophile-affiliated F-type ATPase. Moreover, it had a more diverse genomic characteristic on nitrogen metabolism than the AOA in sediments and canonical AOB did. The results suggest that comammox Nitrospira is a versatile nitrifier that can adapt to acidic environments even with high ammonium concentrations.......

cheers Darrel
@Bradders Take a look at @_Maq_ 's thread where he tests different substrates.

He gets some low pH levels there and doses ammonia as a nitrogen source, so you can infer the cycling speed of the tanks.
I'll add this here at the moment. <"https://journals.asm.org/doi/full/10.1128/aem.00104-24">. It is quite an interesting paper and worth a read for those interested in this sort of thing.

McKnight MM, Neufeld JD. (2024). "Comammox Nitrospira among dominant ammonia oxidizers within aquarium biofilter microbial communities". Appl Environ Microbiol 90:e00104-24. <"https://doi.org/10.1128/aem.00104-24">
One thing that caught my attention in this paper is that nitrification-related microbes (mainly Nitrospira) appear to make up only a small fraction (1-2%) of the total microbial community. What are the other 98-99% doing? Could it be that the dominant process in the aquarium filter is the degradation of organic compounds?
Hi all,
One thing that caught my attention in this paper is that nitrification-related microbes (mainly Nitrospira) appear to make up only a small fraction (1-2%) of the total microbial community. What are the other 98-99% doing? Could it be that the dominant process in the aquarium filter is the degradation of organic compounds?
I'm guessing that the dominant process in the aquarium filter is the microbial oxidation of organic compounds, but I think that you can take this into account and <"mitigate for it">.

It is one of the reasons that I've been very keen to exclude bulky organic wastes from the filter body. My thinking has been that organic wastes will supply substrate for heterotrophic bacteria, and they will deplete the dissolved oxygen "unnecessarily". I want <"as much dissolved oxygen as possible"> to be available for nitrification.

Even if they are relatively inert (like <"wood fibres">) they could impede flow and stop aerobic nitrification being as efficient as it should be.

I just want dissolved gases etc entering the filter, I don't want it <"to act as a syphon">.

Cheers Darrel
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So in a nutshell - Low pH levels in water without any kH doesnt shop the cycling/nitrogen cycle 'per se'. Details are present, but should not effect the tank or user.

Please advise it this generalision is incorrect
Hi all,
The paper mentions that some of the aquariums were planted, but doesn't use this as a variable in the analysis. I'll try contacting Josh Neufeld and see if that is an area that interests them.
I've emailed him, I've no idea if he will reply, but if he does, and is OK with it, I'll add his response to this thread.

cheers Darrel
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Hi all,
but if he does, and is OK with it, I'll add his response to this thread.
I've actually had, very informative, replies from both Josh Neufeld <"Josh D. Neufeld | Biology | University of Waterloo"> and Michelle McKnight <"Michelle McKnight | Neufeld Research Group">, and I'd just like to thank them for their time and effort in replying to a random email..

I'll start a new thread and link it here once I've done.

Link <"Correspondence with the Neufeld lab. University of Waterloo">

cheers Darrel
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