Hi all,
When I re-culture put a dollop of the old culture into a new pot, and then put a fairly shallow layer of rolled oats in (cheapest source is usually Lidl or Aldi), wet it and give it a stir. I leave about a third of the original culture in its pot and just add more oats to it.
I leave it over night, and the next morning adjust the wetness by adding more water, or more oats. I keep my cultures a bit drier than @Edvet does.
When the culture is running normally it gets wetter and I just add more oats. I keep on doing this until the culture starts to go drier and more yellow, and then I re-culture. Usually that happens when the pot is about 1/3 full. You get a bit of a "worm boom" before this happens and they end up all over the lid etc. which is a good indication of when to re-culture. I don't think that oat based cultures tend to smell very much, mine just have a slight yeasty smell.
When the culture is doing well you get a "sheen" from the worms moving, and a ring of worms around the side of the pot. I harvest them by running my finger around the edge of the pot, but you can use a paint brush or cotton bud etc.
cheers Darrel
I always have three cultures running, but only in small pots (the ones that have supermarket coleslaw or houmous in them).When you guys set another batch up do you scrape off some worms and add to a fresh batch of oats or do you take some of the old oat mix and add that to the new one?
When I re-culture put a dollop of the old culture into a new pot, and then put a fairly shallow layer of rolled oats in (cheapest source is usually Lidl or Aldi), wet it and give it a stir. I leave about a third of the original culture in its pot and just add more oats to it.
I leave it over night, and the next morning adjust the wetness by adding more water, or more oats. I keep my cultures a bit drier than @Edvet does.
When the culture is running normally it gets wetter and I just add more oats. I keep on doing this until the culture starts to go drier and more yellow, and then I re-culture. Usually that happens when the pot is about 1/3 full. You get a bit of a "worm boom" before this happens and they end up all over the lid etc. which is a good indication of when to re-culture. I don't think that oat based cultures tend to smell very much, mine just have a slight yeasty smell.
When the culture is doing well you get a "sheen" from the worms moving, and a ring of worms around the side of the pot. I harvest them by running my finger around the edge of the pot, but you can use a paint brush or cotton bud etc.
cheers Darrel