An update, as requested
I believe steady progress is being made

Light is off at the moment so no pictures, I can add some later maybe.
If you recall on the last update I did a big clean and double dosed BE. I dosed BE a couple more times after that before the bottle ran out. Within 48 hours the Cyano was coming back quicker again. I feel that the Blue Exit was slowing the growth of the Cyano some what but not actually stopping it outright or eradicating it.
As luck would have it the Ultralife blue green slime stain remover I ordered (Amazon, it shipped from the US) turned up the day after the BE ran out - Fate??
So last Sunday was another clean and the first dose of Ultralife followed by another dose on Tuesday (as per manufacturers instructions) I’ve kept a close eye on the tank this week, being furloughed has its upsides I guess, and so far I believe progress has been made -
No new areas of Cyano, any covering the wood has subsided and it is slowly disappearing from the plants.
There is still some visible on the tips of the carpeting plants (the hardest to clean without uprooting) but in places that looks like it is slowly starting to die and fall off - My shrimps have also visibly been more active doing their thing which I can only assume is a good thing! One has took to chilling in a section of the moss, they never went near it before!
So, early days but it looks positive. I’m going to be patient but the Ultralife has given me some confidence that it will work and hopefully I can start giving the plants a bit more attention soon.
I have some new growth which looks healthy so with a little time I plan on trimming and replanting this healthier growth to replace the older somewhat damaged plants.
Patient baby steps.