Thanks for your in depth feedback, as always.
Doubt it. Most house plant fertiliser we buy contains either ammonium nitrate or urea compound as this is by far the cheapest (and most concentrated) way of providing nitrogen to terrestrial plants. Just had a look at some common garden fertilisers here:would any mormal green plant fertiliser work too
If you want to add DIY root tabs (which, if you are dosing the water column you don't need to do this anyway) then just use your existing fertilizers dissolved in water and put them in ice cube tray. Freeze the cubes and then take them out of the freezer and push them quickly into the substrate.
OK thx, but no problem for an plants only tank then i guess.ammonium nitrate or urea compound
They should give you a breakdown of the nitrogen source somewhere.Wel they only state N.P.K. it seems (at least the ones i look for)
Funnily on the other hand i think it's good to be able to make orchid fertilizer out of dry ferts ( in stead of having to find it on the shelf in the gardencenter🙂)