Grow a crystal???😯😯
If you use the gluppy PO4 mix on your tank you might have a crystal tank scape

Grow a crystal???😯😯
With Mg3(SO4)2 having covalent bonding hence the change solubility we was expecting form the native salts and its resultant salts thixotropic properties of the reactant ie gluppy.View attachment 157220
I would stick to KH2PO4 and still suggest making the mixture more dilute, 5ml/100L is really concentrate, 20ml/100L would be better.
If you need more K in the tank dose the Sulphate and Chloride at waterchange as remineralisation instead of trying to cram it all into one bottle.
Does anyone know what's the max concentration of CL that the fish can take ?
K3PO4 is a strong base and will increase your pH. Most use KH2PO4 because it has a smaller impact on pH.However I just want to confirm if you think it's better to use the K3PO4 or just stick to the KH2PO4.?
Holes in leaves can also be caused by potassium shortage. Wonder if due to dosing di-potassium and tri-potassium phosphate the potassium falls out of solution and become not available for plant use ?Holes in plant leaves may be caused by too high a light level/too long a photo period for CO2 & nutrient distribution/dosing levels. Just a thought.
Hi @X3NiTH , do you have any links for information on proper Chloride (Cl-) levels in a planted aquarium or what levels are toxic to plants?For Chloride (Cl-), many magnitudes more than you would ever need to dose to a tank to increase the level of an associated element to the satisfaction of plants.
Here’s an extreme example from a study in the US - ACUTE TOXICITY OF CHLORIDES, SULFATES, AND TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS
Don’t be confusing Chloride Cl- with Chlorine Cl.