Smells Fishy
Looking good.
It isn't a CO2 diffuser, it is a <"Twinstar">, a micro/nano bubble generator.What c02 diffuser do you have??? Bubbles look really fine!
bubble generator
Looking nice. Which algae have you got? Can't see it....
Would you consider having a little bit of weeping moss or similar on the ends of those branches? It would look more natural. It's unusual to have a dead tree trunk in the middle of a lush lawn like yours. Just a thought.
What c02 diffuser do you have??? Bubbles look really fine!
What you mean by buble generator? Maybe the same i think about the Twinstar.. a rubish and unnecessary toy..
Tiago good morning,
Were not going to talk again about the Twinstar and his effectiveness that have never been proved so far. Never mind what i said.
Twinstar is an option.Big hug
LOL, for me is a lot!That algae is so minor! If that's algae, then my tanks are full of it....🙂
The beauty of the A Bitaeniata far outshines the algae.In my opinion my algae are doing pretty good! 😀
The Twinstar has a few times saved my fish from CO2 related death
you can disagree but I'll still believe the evidence of my own tank 😀Sorry to disagree but let me tell you simply this
Again that is perhaps your tank - I had a Tropica CO2 system with 96g canister on board, "bubble" rate as measured in the Tropica diffuser was a far cry from what many people on this forum use ..More.. the electrolisys produced by the TS is so ridiculously minimal that it´s nothing compare to the amounts of CO2 we inject in the tank.
done in whatever 3rd yr uni lab 😀Take under consideration equipment needed to produce PURE water electrolysis and you´ll get it.
I completely agree! Arcuata is very beautiful and delicate, suffered a bit with algae, is not in very good shape...Very nice. Not convinced by the arcuata in the foreground but curious to see how it turns out.