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Discuss playground tank

Well..you're almost right about that, JAmesM. The glosso are growing thicker every day...

And guess what...Rescaping...and is what i am going to do...

Here is a final photo to show what my tank looks like before it going to be rescaped:

It is amazing to see that a good water circulation created more algae problems. A tank is just a week old of rescape, and I added a power powerhead to create water circulation and it definitely improved. But aglaes grow mad. I guess powerhead does not work for me...

ceg4048, can you enlighten some guidance as there are a lot of hairy, and brown thin hairy ones on the leaves, even riccia has been infected. What caused the problem and why they are in there. CO2 has increased near twice since introduced powerhead. I noticed CO2 wasted a lot due to strong circulation.
Hi ty_phan,
You're drawing conclusions based on optical illusions. You rescaped the tank which means that you damaged the sediment bacterial colony. They are the ones that do a lot of the ammonia nitrification. When you change your tank you change the distribution patterns as well.

What are you dosing? Have you changed your water change frequency? It's not clear what you mean by "...CO2 wasted a lot due to strong circulation..." Why do you feel that CO2 is being wasted? Is there an improvement when the powerhead is turned off? Have you moved the powerhead around to change the circulation patterns? :?

It will help a lot to do more water changes, lower your light for a few weeks and to review your NPK dosing.

Hi ceg4048

I dosed a bit extra Trace, Fe, KN03. Also increased CO2 rate near twice comparing the rate in the former tank. My double drop checker has never got near to yellowish. I see no or very little pearls on Riccia and other plants. I changed 60% water on Saturday. The leaves swang and bending, however i can see long brown thin stuffs appear and they are growing longer and spread wider each day. Since rescaped the light was reduced down to 9 hours perday, no midday break, and then turn on one T5 54w from 6pm-9pm for a night view.

FYI, I decided to remove powerhead from the tank last night as it created strong movements. Inotice sometimes fishes are not happy with its flowings at night time. In addition to its problems, the noise, and vibrations are louder at night.

Will this algae be disappeared once the plants have established?
