Im what you might call a no nothing
which is why a read alot on here, i have to say this site is pretty awesome and im really pleased to have been introduced to it.
Im trying to run a low tech tank (all the specs are in my journal) I am constantly confused on the issue of water changes!
I have read comments from different people on here and there are definately mixed opinions?
none to little
often and little
seldom and big
I know every tank is different and there are a massive amount of varying factors, but there must also be a large amount of common ground too?
Is it just a case of trying everything until you find what works for you and basically ignore everything else?
Im very new to the hobby and i suppose its a hobby that has been around for years but has dramatically changed, and is changing so maybe there is no 123 answer.
Apologies if i have missed some articles that could answer my own questions, and im well aware that this is a topic that has been covered alot.
But im finding the more i delve the more confused i am (haha which probably links back to the beginning of this that im a know nothing
cheers dave

which is why a read alot on here, i have to say this site is pretty awesome and im really pleased to have been introduced to it.
Im trying to run a low tech tank (all the specs are in my journal) I am constantly confused on the issue of water changes!
I have read comments from different people on here and there are definately mixed opinions?
none to little
often and little
seldom and big
I know every tank is different and there are a massive amount of varying factors, but there must also be a large amount of common ground too?
Is it just a case of trying everything until you find what works for you and basically ignore everything else?
Im very new to the hobby and i suppose its a hobby that has been around for years but has dramatically changed, and is changing so maybe there is no 123 answer.
Apologies if i have missed some articles that could answer my own questions, and im well aware that this is a topic that has been covered alot.
But im finding the more i delve the more confused i am (haha which probably links back to the beginning of this that im a know nothing

cheers dave