Weight mean that i should add for exemple 1g K: 3g Mg : 10g calcium not 1:3:10 ppm ? might sound dumb but it's to clarify, thanks you
I mean 1 mg/L K ... 3 mg/L Mg ... 10 mg/L Ca, and its multiples. In fact, I always work with much softer water than you (Barr's water is also quite soft, by the way), so I haven't thoroughly tested these ratios in truly hard water (> 5°dGH). What is known for a scientifically described fact is
1. plants uptake potassium
preferentially in regard to magnesium and calcium, and
2. these three metals (plus sodium and ammonium) are in
competitive relationship, which means that a relative excess of one hinders uptake of the others.
You know, Barr's philosophy derives from a standpoint that if all nutrients are
in excess, we are fine and don't have to bother much with their
ratios (meaning one to another). I've demonstrated experimentally that ratios matter, at least in some instances. Yet I have to admit that (non)injection of CO2 possibly makes a difference. My reasoning is that dealing with nutritional imbalance always requires
energy, one way or another. Plants supported by ample dose of CO2 have plenty of energy (= sugars gained through photosynthesis) for handling all kinds of adversities, including nutrient imbalances. I do not inject CO2 so I have to be more diligent with dosing, and other issues as well.
This may explain that individual results among hobbyists and various species can differ, yet the principle is generally valid.